Bickering and solutions

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Mabel's POV:
I was angry, furious, after all I did for them, I created this world so they'd be safe a do made them happy and this...this is how I'm repaid. There I was, levitating, defying the laws of nature, looking at my best friend as if I were gonna kill him. What other choice did I have than to attack, he won't notice all I was doing, how nice I was being if I don't do something now. I screamed as I shot out pink electric pulses from my hand that Dipper managed to just narrowly dodge. He then retaliated with his own powers, that came out a blue hue, just like him I dodged the attack. I'll spare you the boring details, but it sort of went on like that for a while, sometimes it would just hit each other, sometimes it would miss. My temper was beginning to flare up even more, "ENOUGH GAMES!" I yelled and shot forward towards Dipper, my hands pushing his shoulders as I knocked him to the floor. I felt guilty seeing him on the floor bruised and battered, but it had to be done, it was tough love. Dipper looked up at me with a glare as I lowered myself down to his level, standing in front of him with my pink aura surrounding me. I was about to help him up and tell him to join me in here again, but just then he rose, his blue aura as clear as ever. He blasted me and it hit me so hard I hit the wall and he wouldn't stop. I was being pummelled, beaten, and I struggled with all my might but nothing would defeat it, my own magic was powerless right now, with the force his was emanating. That's when I remembered, the staff. I had dropped it when Dipper blasted me, but it was still within reach. I forcefully pushed against the magic and slowly stepped towards it. I then slid my foot underneath it, kicked it up to me and grabbed it. I then shot out my magic from it. Mine and Dipper's magic was practically wrestling now, but I was winning. I could see Dipper sweating and struggling to keep up and if brought a devious smile to my face, that this would all be over soon.

Dipper's POV:
I was surely dead meat now. Just a second ago, I was a step away from winning and now she was battering me. I was seconds away from losing, but just then I heard voices in the distance, cheering.
"Come on Dipper you can do it!"
"Go Dipper!"
"Come on Kid you can do it!"
"Don't give up!"
I look up to see Wendy, Soos, Grunkle Stan and Great uncle Ford cheering for me, which motivated me. With all my might I struck against Mabel's power, my power knocking hers back so far until it shot into her and she went flying backwards, dropping her staff in the process. I picked up her staff so no more bad could happen. Everyone came rushing down to see if I was okay. I took the sphere holding Bill Cipher off the staff and handed it to Great uncle Ford to take care of. I then made my way over to Mabel. Seeing my sister battered, bruised and defeated  as she lay there on the squishy bouncy ground, made me feel guilty, after all I know she only wanted us to be happy...even though she brainwashed everyone and nearly killed me. " okay?" I asked as I knelt down to her level. She blinked her eyes open after hearing my voice and looked up at me. I could see anger and hurt in her eyes, but I could still see a twinge of guilt, I knew she didn't want to actually do this, she just wanted to keep everyone close. She didn't say anything to me so I decided to say "Mabel why did you do this?" I asked her, her anger was now overcome with her guilt. "Knowing that you were gonna leave me alone and stay in gravity falls without me it just..." Mabel cracked a sob through her words, which made Dipper feel insanely guilty. "It made me wanna hide in my sweater forever and then Bill tried to take advantage of my sadness and start I got angry and I created this. I'm sorry Dipper I'm so sorry." Mabel began to cry her heart out. I helped her up and wiped her tears, "Hey Mabel it's okay, listen I've been thinking anyway, I'm cooking home with you." I told her. She looked at me and smiled weakly, "it's okay Dipper, you can stay and take Ford's apprenticeship if you want."
"And miss out on your awkward teen years, you wish. I can't spend the best years of my life cooped up in a basement with a lab coat, how ridiculous is that?" I told her, she smiled genuinely at me. "Awkward sibling hug?" I suggested, holding my hands out for an embrace. She shook her head at me, "Sincere sibling hug," she said as she held her arms out as well and hugged me. "Pat pat." We both said. Just then a purple hue shot out around us. Suddenly Mabelland was gone and we were back in gravity falls, the hue shot out at all the henchmaniacs, Bill's bubble as they all were sent back into the crack in the sky as well as all the other weirdness' of weirdmagedon.

It was now mine and Mabel's birthday, and weirdmagedon was officially over. The whole town wished us happy birthday and farewell. We said goodbye to our family and friends and got on the bus, with waddles as well, after Grunkle Stan and Ford forced the bus driver to let him on the bus, much to Mabel's pleasure. Wendy gave me a letter before I got on the bus and told me to read it the next time I missed gravity falls. With Mabel asleep on my shoulder, I opened it to see the message 'see you next summer' written on it with everyone's signature, bringing a smile to my face.

I can't wait to see what other secrets await us then.

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