High handyman!

15 3 1

Dipper's POV:
There we stood, with two waffle guardians in front of us, their spears glistening sharp. "Woah what's going on?!" Wendy yelled, in a confused panic, "Mabel's waffle guardians. They're trying to take us back to Mabel to be brainwashed," I explained to her as I turned my head to look at her. "Come on you're coming with us." One of them ordered sternly as they floated closer to us. Wendy stood protectively in front of me, spreading her arms out to cover me. "Back off." She told them, practically growling, "Stop playing we're taking you to que-!" They shouted as one of them grabbed Wendy's right arm to try and grab her, but the moment they did, Wendy grabbed the arm they placed on hers, turned to the side so I wouldn't be in the line of fire and flipped the waffle guardian over her back, then proceeded to quickly grab the fallen waffle guardians spear and holding it in front of her for protection. The other waffle guardians then charged for her, pushing his spear against the one in her hands. "DIPPER RUN!" Wendy yelled, not taking her eyes of the waffle guardians she was fighting. "What? But what about you?" I asked unsure, not wanting her to be captured and brainwashed once again. While I was hesitating, the over waffle guardian picked himself up again and made his way towards me. Wendy noticed and with all her strength shoved the other waffle guardian of her, making it fly across the room and slam into the wall and fall on the floor, giving her just enough time to get to the waffle guardian about to capture me. She used the spear to knock it to the floor then placed the spear against the wall as she then quickly grabbed an antique vase in the shape of a seal and threw it through the window. Then went to me picked me up and placed me safely outside so I wouldn't cut myself on the broken glass. "Run dipper." She told me once again, I looked up at her fearfully, "But what will happen to you? What if they capture you again, what if-?" I asked panicked, "don't worry about me." She cut me off, as she grabbed the spear again, "I'll be fine, just find the others I'll keep these two off your trail as long as I can!" She yelled as she went to go fight off the guardians, I nodded and ran off.

I must've been running for quite some time, just to make sure I was definitely away from them. Finally, I leaned against something and tried to catch my breath. I looked up to see I had leant on a sock puppet shaped building of a unicorn, the walls seemed to be made out of bouncy castle and the unicorn was white, with a pink mane. There was no door, just an opening where a door would be. I peaked into the building and noticed, this building was chock full of video games, it's almost as if it was designed for....SOOS!
I noticed Soos was sitting in front of a video game on a couch, with a controller in hand, playing some leopard punching game. I walked over to him, "Soos?" I questioned, trying to get his attention. No response, he was too engrossed in his video game, "Punch! Punch those leopards!" He yelled as he continued to not acknowledge me. "Soos?!" I asked again, louder this time, yet still no response. I took a deep breath and "SOOS!" I yelled which seemed to startle him and stopped playing his game, 'GAME OVER! You win!'  The game announced to him. Surprising that he lost, but still won, I guess truly nothing bad can happen here, kinda makes me wonder. Soos looked over his shoulder at me, "Oh hey dude!" He greeted me enthusiastically, "Wanna play some video games?" He asked me, a big smile plastered on his face. "Errr no thanks Soos," I politely declined, "aww come on we got 'FIGHTY HOG' and 'DR. PUNCH HEAD MD.' and some new game called 'pitter patter book club'?" He listed off the games trying to convince me, "Yeah as much as I like video games, now is not the time for this, listen Soos you're being brainwashed an-," I tried to explain to him, hoping that something would jog his memory, for him to cut me off, "Woah dude, relax, how sound all kinds of stressed, come on play some 'fight fighters' with me, I know you like that game," he suggested, still not budging from the idea of playing a game with me. I looked over my shoulder anxiously, trying to see if there were any waffle guardians nearby. I turned back to look at Soos, who was smiling at me, I suppose one game couldn't hurt and it could maybe bring him back to reality, since I mean we did play video games together a lot in the real world. "Okay fine, but just one round." I told him sternly.
"Of course dude." He agreed, bubbly as ever and we continued to walk over to the game and started playing.

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