Child's play

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Dipper's POV:
The moment I got outside the first thing I saw was a volleyball game that Wendy was playing with some of Mabel's strange creatures that looked like they were straight out of an 80s kid's sticker book. Of course she was winning. As she punted the volleyball, securing her victory, the wide smile on her face grew noticeably bigger, it was disturbing seeing someone so aggressively happy. "I WON!" She yelled ecstatically while jumping up in the air in pure joy. It sounds nice, but it was very unnerving to see your friends so happy while being unknowingly brainwashed. This had to stop. I stormed up to her, and she turned to look at me with a wide smile and glowing pink eyes. "DIPPER! Wanna play dude?!" She asked, yelling way too loudly for my ears to handle. I covered my ears as I pleaded with her, "Wendy please snap out of it," looking up at her with hopeful eyes, she merely laughed and said "haha I don't know what you're talking about, it must be all that reading and those mysteries that are bumming you out, come on play some volleyball with me man," she extended the volleyball out to me, "I don't wanna play!" I yelled aggressively, shoving the volleyball to the side. Just then the doors to the castle were thrown open, two buff waffle guards standing there, with their spears back in their hands. They looked around a bit before they looked straight, directly at me. "There he is!" One of them yelled, "After him!" The other followed. I grabbed Wendy's hand and started running, the waffle guardians following after us, "Oh are we playing tag? hehe," Wendy asked, giggling like a little girl, "uhhh yeah...and they're it, don't let them catch us," I told her, playing along. "Haha fun, let's go here." Wendy said as she pulled us round a sharp corner and another one, we appeared to be hiding behind some strange big muscly mountain. Mabel sure does have a weirdly disturbing imagination. Peaking round the side of the mountain I noticed the two waffle guardians ran past where we were hiding. "Weee that was fun! This is like hide and se-!" Wendy yelled far too loudly, forcing me to slap my hand over her mouth, "shhhh, you don't wanna give us away," I shushed her, taking my hand off her mouth, "Sorry," she apologised in a low whisper and looked glumly down at the floor as if she was a child being reprimanded by its parents. I let out a sigh, "What is it gonna take to bring you back to reality?" I thought aloud to myself, while Wendy looked around, smiling, fascinated as a butterfly flew around her. I thought long and hard, but couldn't think of anything. In the meantime, we had to find a new hiding place though, this was too out in the open. "Follow me." I ordered her as I started walking, on my way to find us a new hiding spot, "Okay! Where are we-!" She started yelling again, but stopped halfway as I sharply turned round and shot her a stern look. I then quickly softened my gaze, "How about we play a game?" I gently suggested, which seemed to excite the redhead, "Ooh a game?! What game is it?!"  She asked, clapping and jumping up and down excitedly, "The game is, 'let's be quiet while Dipper finds a new hiding spot' doesn't that sound fun?" I energetically said, desperately trying to sell it to her, we're not gonna get anywhere if she keeps yelling and giving our spot away. Not saying a word she nodded aggressively, her eyes sparkling with childlike wonder. "Good now follow me." I ordered her as we began to start looking for a spot to hide.

Mabel's POV:
I stared out the window, scanning Mabelland trying to spot my brother, but to no avail. I aggressively turned back round to my desk and slammed my fists down growling "WHERE IS HE?!" I yelled with venom. "HE CAN'T HAVE GONE FAR!" I was livid, fuming, raging! All I wanted was the best for him and yet he was so ungrateful. "Haha having trouble controlling your 'subjects'?" Bill mocked me, rolling around his bubble laughing, to which I turned to him and glared in response. "Haha, I guess he was always the smart twin," Bill continued to laugh, which enraged me, I've always been told and made fun of for how much 'smarter' Dipper is. I walked over to the staff that was leaning on my desk and raised my hand to the bubble sending electric waves through to Bill, "AAAAAHHH!" He screamed out in pain until I stopped, "You have no place to speak that way to me." I told him sternly, hun looking up at me questioningly with slight fear in his eyes. There's something people don't know about me though, I'm smarter than people give me credit for.

Dipper's POV:
Me and Wendy found a hiding spot in a small, hut made of bouncy castle, well it wasn't that small inside, it was fairly large compared to the structure outside and had many strange antiques inside. I think it was meant to be an antique shop or museum or something, but no one else was in there. The antiques weren't like normal antiques of course, they were all animals like dolphins, elephants, tortoise, some weird snake and badger combination? And of course the biggest was a waddles antique. I turned to look at Wendy who seemed fascinated by the animal antiques and went to take a closer look, hovering around them in awe. That's when I started to think, how can I change Wendy back, do I have to say something to bring her back to reality, do I need to get Mabel to do it with her magic. I started to really overthink it, I had no idea how to change Wendy back. Just then my thoughts were cut short by the sound of a smash, I turned my head to see that Wendy had knocked over the Waddles antique, smashing it on the ground. She noticed that I saw her and immediately starting crying, like a child. "Waaaaaa I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-s-sor-sor-soryyyyy aaaaa!" She cried out loudly, it was the sort of cry you do when you're little and your parents send you to your room. I nervously went over to her, and tried to comfort her, "Hey it's oka-," I started, but then thought, maybe if I don't play into it she'll snap back to reality. "Wow, the owner is not gonna be happy with you," I told her shamefully, truthfully I didn't know if there was an owner, I just thought this might work. "R-r-r-rea-really?" She stuttered out between heavy sobs, "Yeah, you'll be in big trouble if he finds out," I said, shaking my head, she started crying harder at my words, "Noooooo, pl-pl-plea-please d-d-do-don't tell th-th-them!" She begged me, which stifled a slight giggle from me, though reprimanding her didn't seem to work so I decided to go the other way. "Don't worry I won't tell," I assured her as I then placed my pinched thumb and index finger over my lips and made out a motion that I zipped it up and threw away the key. Then all of a sudden, her tears stopped, she wiped her eyes and suddenly, her eyes flashed their pink hue and she closed them shut tight, then suddenly opening her eyes to reveal that they had returned to their original green colour. In shock she grabbed her head in pain, "ugh what happened?" She asked, groaning. I looked at her in shock, "Wendy is it really you?!" I asked ecstatically, yelling particularly loudly, "Huh? Yeah of course it's me man," she smiled at me reassuringly, to which I immediately jumped up into her arms, "WENDY! You're back! I thought I lost you!" I exclaimed, embracing her and she hugged me back, "You seriously think some rainbows and brainwashing can stop me? It's gonna take a lot to bring me dow-," She was telling me as she knelt down to my level putting her hand on my shoulder, but was cut off by the waffle guardians looking for us, "FREEZE! We're taking you back to Queen Mabel, surrender now!" They threatened us, holding their spears out towards us. I hope all the others are okay.

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