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Dipper's POV:
The floor was cold, yet comfortable. I regained consciousness and began to blink open my eyes. I got a good look at the room I was in and it looked as if I was in a child's daycare, I realised I was laying sideways on a wooden floor which made me confused as to why it was so comfortable. That's when I looked down at my hands, only to notice that they were chained up and attached to the floor, the chains had some glowing hot pink aura around them, I quickly stood up, luckily the chains were long enough to allow me to do that. I looked around me and there they were Grunkle Stan, Great Uncle Ford, Wendy and Soos, all laying in the same position as me. It started to make me worried, why are we here? and where is Mabel? Is she okay? "Wendy! Soos! Grunkle Stan, Great Uncle Ford!" I yelled all their names to check they were okay, "Ugh kid keep it down will y-," Grunkle Stan awoke from my racket and quickly became just as confused and worried as I was, "Woah where are we?" He questioned and got up as quickly as an old man could. He then nudged Great Uncle Ford with his foot "Hey Sixer, get up," He ordered his brother, "What is it Stanley-?" He asked irritably, only to wake up and be as confused as us two. "You're the genius here, got any smart ideas poindexter?" Grunkle Stan asked mockingly, "No, I don't in fact, I have no idea where we are." Uncle Ford observed, sounding rather panicked himself, but trying to mask it as best as he could, "Well that's a first," Grunkle Stan mocked him. "Hey guys do you mind keeping it down?" Wendy asked us trying to stay asleep, not even opening her eyes yet, "Yeah dudes, keep it down please?" Soos also requested doing the same, "Uhh guys I think we have bigger problems than sleep." I told them, trying to get them alert so we could maybe figure out how to escape. "Huh? What do you...?" Wendy opened her eyes to see the situation we had all gotten into, she nudged Soos with her right arm, "Soos, dude wake up." She ordered with utter shock in her voice as she started to stand up like the rest of us. "Huh?" Soos exclaimed in response and then opened his eyes. "Woah this place looks like my old daycare," He commented and then looked down at his hands to see them chained up, "This is not cool dudes," He commented. Now that we were all awake and aware of the situation, I thought we could maybe figure out a way to break free, but I was still worried for her, she's supposed to be in here. "Hey guys, I was wondering, does anyone know where Mabel is I mean if we're all here together, she's the only one missing, where is she, she's supposed to be here?!" I questioned trying to remain as calm as possible, but i ended up panicking massively. " Dipper, it's okay kid, after we figure out how to get outta here we'll find Mabel," Grunkle Stan reassured me, which did calm me down a bit, but then a familiar voice called out from the room.

"Don't bother." She told us, the voice was coming from the desk in front of us, I noticed that the pink sparkly chair at the desk was turned away from us and when I looked at it more thoroughly, I noticed brown locks stuck out form the sides of the chair, it couldn't be could it? "No need to look," She said as the chair spun around to face all five of us, "I'm right here." Mabel told us with a malicious grin plastered on her face. I stood there in shook, my jaw hitting the floor. There she stood in attire weirdly regal attire, a crown on her head and the weirdest thing there was, was the staff in her right hand, that held Bill Cipher captive. "MABEL?! W-W-WHAT ARE YOU-? W-WHAT'S GOING ON-?" I screamed, completely panicked, "Calm down Dipping sauce, you're safe now," Mabel sushed me as she looked around in awe at the place we were in, "I created this place so we could be safe from the real world," she told us. I stared at my sister in utter shock, I couldn't believe my ears, she was going to let all the chaos outside happen just to live in a bubbled paradise. "Mabel, this is ridiculous, people outside are suffering from Bill's monsters, you've captured Bill we now have the power to stop this if you'll just-," Uncle Ford tried to convince her, but was cut off, "No, this paradise, this power comes from Bill, if I send them back then...then," She refused and sadly looked down on the floor. Although she didn't finish her sentence I knew what she was thinking about, maybe we do have some twin esp. "Mabel I'm sorry about all that, but people are suffering out there, you can't just do this!" I yelled at her, walking as close as I could, trying to talk some sense into her, "So? I've been nice and trusting all my life and where has that got me?" She brushed off as she hopped off her chair and walked closer to us in front of her desk. "Taken advantage of." She said as she held her staff in front of her, an image of Gideon guilting her into going on dates with him and then an image of what looked like Blendin Blandin, I assume possessed, tricking her into giving over the rift. "Bullied." She added as an image of her when she was little appeared, it was an image of a girl from our kindergarten sticking gum in Mabel's hair on picture day and then another image of Pacifica bullying Mabel came up. "And abandoned." Mabel finally said as the last image came up, it was an image of our fight just before weirdmagedon struck. She then pulled her staff in, I lowered my head in shame, knowing I was partly to blame for her new change in character. "Look Mabel I'm sorry but you just can't-," I tried and tried to talk to her, but she wouldn't listen, "Don't tell me what I can and can't do, I'm I'm charge now, this world is a dream come true, you're lucky you're here and not out there, you're lucky I spared you." She responded angrily. She then looked at her staff, Bill inside looking back at her seemingly in shock that a little girl defeated him. Then an evil grin spread across her face. "And you know what, I think it's time you went to sleep!" She yelled as she quickly slammed the staff on the floor, as she did that, Wendy and Soos were incased in a Pink aura, "AHHH" Wendy screamed out in horror, "DUDE!" Soos let out a fearful cry and then suddenly their screams stop and they fell to the floor, their chains dissolving. Mabel clapped twice and just then they both robotically lifted up their heads and had massive smiles spread on their faces from ear to ear, their eyes now being that same pink colour. "Wendy? Soos?" I questioned, panicked, they stood up and walked over to me, Stan and Ford. They nuzzled our hair and our hats "Chill out dudes, this place is awesome." Soos commented, way to relaxed for the situation we were in, "Yeah guys, enjoy the paradise," Wendy added, all three of us stared at them in horror, "What's with you two?" Grunkle Stan questioned, "Some kind of brainwashing, fascinating," Great Uncle Ford observed in awe, "No man, I'm just as happy as ever," Wendy told us, punctuating her sentence with an unusually large toothy grin. "Anyway dudes, we're gonna go enjoy the summer, catch you later," Soos said as Wendy followed him through the two double doors, shutting the doors behind them. "Mabel, stop this!" Grunkle Stan yelled at her, I thought it could've worked, I mean Mabel's always been closed with him, but she just laughed in response, "There is no way I'm sorry for what I just did, I saved them, they're living and endless summer dream now, who wouldn't want that?" She commented, completely hysterical. "Mabel you've gone too far, just hand over your staff and we can fix this." Uncle Ford ordered, to which Mabel glared at him. "Ugh, you know what-!" Mabel yelled back, quickly cutting herself off and taking a deep breath. Once again she then turned to look at her staff with a sly grin on her face. "You just don't understand." She said with fake sadness in her voice, "But it's okay, you will, I think you just need to sleep on it!" Once again she slammed her staff down on the floor with a pink aura surrounding them, Grunkle Stan was first to collapse from it, "Grunkle Stan!" I yelled out, worried. Followed by Great uncle Ford collapsing after trying to resist, "Great uncle Ford!" I yelled out again, my panic increasing as more people I loved were turned into mindless puppets. Mabel once again clapped twice and just like Wendy and Soos, right on cue they robotically lifted their heads, big toothy grins spread ear to ear and their eyes were now that same gooey hot pink shade. They walked over to me and just like before played about with me, nuzzling my hair and patting me and the back and whatnot. "Dipper my boy we're fine," Great Uncle Ford tried to reassure me, "Yeah no need to worry about us, I've never been better actually." Grunkle Stan added, "Now wanna do some good old fashioned treasure hunting?" He suggested to Great Uncle Ford, it was as if they were kids again back when they were best friends. Ford smiled "Of course," he agreed, they then waved goodbye to me and walked out the doors, closing it behind them.
Then, in complete horror I turned to Mabel, she had an evil grin on her face, I knew what was coming for me. "Well this has been fun Dipper, but I do think it's time for you to SLEEP!"she yelled slamming the staff down harder than ever. I was incased in that same pink light, but I wouldn't let myself be brainwashed too. I resisted and resisted her power until I also fell to my knees. Just then I picked myself up off the floor and walked as close to Mabel as I could "WAKE UP!" I screamed at her, pulling against the chains. "WAKE UP!" I screamed once again, the pink aura fading from my body as she stared in shock. "WAKE UP!" I screamed for the last time, I had completely resisted, she glared at me, but then a heinous grin covered her face once again. I looked at her confused, unsure what she was thinking, she then once again clapped her hands twice and as she did, two big buff waffle guardians burst through the door and restrained me, my chains dissolving once they got ahold of me. "Mabel-," I said her name hopefully, looking at her with worry in my eyes, she just smiled down at me pitifully, "You really don't get you?" She commented, the same pitiful expression on her face, "I'm doing the right thing Dipper." She sweetly told me as she chuckled, "The real world is so awful, full of nothing but pain, misery and death." She told me sadly as she walked behind her and turned to her side to face me, "but not here," she commented as she turned away from me, looking up at her creation and smiling. "I'm SAVING everyone!" She yelled out in complete hysteria punctuated with a big smile. " can't do this," I tried to tell her one last time, hoping to get through to her. She looked at me in silence before she quickly got angry, "DIPPER-!" She growled, her eyes glowing pink, she then frustratedly closed her eyes and composed herself, looking down depressingly at the floor, "You don't understand," she said to me quietly, she then smiled pitifully down at me again as I stared at her, worried, "You will." She told me, she then proceeded to turn her back to me, quickly removing her pitiful expression. "You just need time." She commented before she ordered her waffle guardians, "Get him out of here." She said coldly, then on cue they started to pull me out of the room. "Mabel!" I yelled her name as I was pulled away, no response. "MABEL!" I yelled even louder, then taking me out the room and the doors shutting in front of me, her watching me with a cold expression on her face. They then dragged me down the hall and downstairs to the dungeon in the basement. They carelessly tossed me in there and slammed the door shut. I rushed out to the window that had thick bars covering it and was shaped like a heart, "MABEL!!!" I once again called out even louder, hoping she would come, but as I expected. She didn't.

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