Break free

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Mabel's POV:
I sat there solemnly in my chair, just thinking. Thinking about how even though I managed to save the others from the real world, Dipper still resists. It feels as if we're turning into Grunkle Stan and Ford. Distant and cold to one another, but I know he just needs time. "Man shooting star I didn't know you had that in you," Bill jokingly said to me, to which I rolled my eyes in response, "Haha, but your brother doesn't seem to want to enjoy this place, hey maybe if you let me free I could-,"
"Not gonna happen." I snapped at him, quickly turning my head towards him and glaring. He looked at me in shock, "Bill you're a great use to me right now, but I'll be dammed if I'm gonna let you go free," I informed him coldly, to which he folded his arms frustratedly in response, like a child who was just told they can't have ice cream for dessert. "This is ridiculous, I'm a being of pure energy, I don't have weaknesses!" He screamed, now he was practically throwing a tantrum, "Oh hush stop whining," I shushed him, I then walked over to the big window behind my desk, I looked out to witness Grunkle Stab abd Grunkle Ford playing together like children, treasure hunting I'd assume, and Wendy and Soos playing with water balloons. They were all smiling, which brought a smile to my face, I knew this was a good idea. How were they when they got here, sad and bruised, now look at them, happy and full of life. I just hope Dipper comes around soon.

Dipper's POV:
I kept pounding on the walls and helplessly pulling on the bars and after many failed attempts, I defeatedly slumped over to my bed and collapsed face first onto it. My bed was suprisingly soft and squishy for a prison bed, guess I shouldn't be surprised though, I mean look at this place. I looked up wth pink sparkly ceiling as I laid there, thinking, trying to think of a plan. I didn't even know what time it would be in the real world, in 'Mabelland' the time is forever day time, it could be midnight right now. I need to talk some sense into Mabel, I need to bring her back, I need to do at least something, this is crazy. Just then I heard the dungeon door open. I walked up to the window to see who it was and it was one of Mabel's waffle guardians. "Dinner." It stated as the area below the window magically opened and the guardian slid in a tray, holding a plate of food with a drink. I took the tray and immediately after, the waffle guardian pressed something on the wall outside and it closed up again, the dungeon door closing soon after. I started to eat my dinner and brainstorming ways to get free, maybe I could dig a hole with my knife and fork? they'd surely catch on to that, also it would take too long, maybe I could pull the bars off and wiggle through?, that's ridiculous I'm not strong enough for that. I just sat there pondering what I should do for ages. I finally finished my dinner and almost immediately after, the waffle guardian came to collect my food, as if they knew exactly what I was doing. I walked towards the window as I heard the dungeon door open once again. "Tray." It ordered and just as the slot opened again...I grabbed my glass cup and tossed it at the guardian's head, making it stumble back, then thanks to my small stature, I managed to wiggle through the slot before it pressed the button. The guardian got up slightly stunned and called for backup, "Waffle guardians, he's gone rouge!" He yelled and right after, three more waffle guardians stormed in, all carrying there spears this time. I started to get panicked I felt as if I'd bitten off more than I could chew but it was too late to back down now, I had to do this for everyone. They all came at me, their spears being pointed in my face, trying to corner me, but I still have the tray in my hand. I lauded the tray at the one in the middle pointing a spear at me and the shock caused it to fall back and drop its spear in the process, the others were obviously shocked and didn't expect it, so with them being stunned it left me just enough time to grab the fallen one's spear and then pointed it at the two left with their spears. They pointed it back at me glaring. One of them swung for me, but I blocked it with my spear, I was struggling to stay standing and keep this going. It was then when I remembered, what the world was going through outside, what happened to my friends and family and of course, what my sister turned into. Immediately I was filled with rage, I then knocked the guardians down in one fowl swoop, then quickly strikes the other with it's spear. With them laying there groaning and defeated, I then quickly proceeded to making a run for it and dashed out of the dungeon, running upstairs. I have to find the others and save them.

Mabel's POV:
I sat there in my office/bedroom, playing with Dippy fresh, basically fun backup Dipper, with Bill occasionally making his annoying comments. We were playing 'attic stuffed mini golf', obviously I was winning, but just as I was about to strike the golf ball and get get another hole in one, I heard a knock on my door. I walked over to it and opened it, four very bruised waffle guards standing in front of me, "What happened?!" I asked, shocked and slightly panicked. "It was Dipper, he attacked me when I was taking his tray back and escaped, I called for backup, but he defeated us, used our own weapons against us," one of the guardians informed me, as it groaned in pain. I sighed, annoyed and clapped my hands twice, turning them all back to normal, "Listen well and listen good, Find him and when you do bring him back here, GOT THAT?!" I ordered them, my eyes glowing pink with rage as I yelled. "Yes Mabel." They all complied, fearfully, quickly running off to retrieve my brother. I aggressively slammed the door and walked back over to 'attic stuffed mini golf' with Dippy fresh. "Yo wiggy what was that all about?" Dippy fresh asked me, while I grabbed my club and steadied it on front of my ball. Then instead of aiming for the hole, I angrily threw the ball out the window, breaking the glass. "Oh nothing, just a pest." I responded venomously, as I proceeded to clap my hands, the glass immediately being fixed. I then turned round to Dippy fresh, "You can leave now." I dismissed him.
"Okay dude," he responded as he walked out, closing the door behind him. I then walked over to my staff and grabbed a hold of it, then walking over to window. I looked down on everyone, yet I couldn't see him. "Nyahahaha so your brother's gone rouge huh?" Bill mockingly laughed from his bubble "this is your karma for messing with the mighty BILL CIPHE-!" I cut him off and sternly turned to face him, "I don't wanna hear a peep out of you right now!" I yelled maliciously. Bill looked at me in shock and slight fear, not saying anything. I then turned back to face my window, trying to see if I could spot him.
Where are you Dipper?

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