Bad decisions

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Dipper's POV:
I slumped into the lab, dragging my backpack behind me "Let me guess, Mabel didn't take it well?" Great uncle Ford asked me while he stocked the shelves, clearly noticing how upset I was. "I-I don't know, maybe I'm making the wrong decision. I need to think about this." I decided, I mean being Ford's apprentice would be really cool, new adventures, mystery...but me and Mabel have never been apart before, we've always been super close, I don't know if I wanna ruin that, I don't know if I'm ready to part ways with her. "Dipper, right now we need to focus on the mission." Great uncle Ford sternly said to me, I turned my head to look at him. "Now come on, I've got the glue, hand me the rift and let's make history." He ordered, smiling proudly at me. I cheered up, knowing we were seconds away from putting an end to Bill's tyranny with a simple application of glue that, not to brag, I found. I smiled and reached into my backpack to pull out the rift and pulled out...PARTY INVITATIONS?! "What?" I said aloud in confusion. It was then I realised, Mabel must have taken my bag! "Oh no the riff!" I panicked, I turned to look at Great uncle Ford and he looked scared, he then quickly got angry "Where's the rift Dipper?!" He questioned impatiently, "M-Mabel must have it, she must've took my backpack by mistake!" I decided, poor Mabel, she must be so scared right now, I'll never forgive myself if something happened to her because of me. "What are we waiting for then let's find Mabel." Grumble Ford ordered, I nodded in approval and followed him as we ran outside. We got two feet outside, when I looked up at the sky, in utter horror. "What's going on what is that?!" I yelled out, pointing at the giant cross shape being torn into the sky, the wind blowing like crazy. "We're too late. It's the end of the world." Gruntled Ford stated, horrified as I was. "So this is how the world ends, not with bang but with a...cuckoo," Grunkle Ford observed, making a cuckoo sound and rolling his finger around in a circle next to his ear. I looked up to the giant cross "Weirdmagedon." I acknowledged. Just then tons of fearful animals stampeded our way, I was knocked to the ground by their force and some gnomes yelled at me to move.
"Move it stretch!"
"Hey, we're scampering here."
The moaned at me, I glared, Grunkle Ford came and picked me up, "The rift is shattered. Bill's world is spilling into ours and every minute his powers grow stronger." He told me, panic began to overtake me again, when I realised "Mabel!...the rift must've cracked inside her backpack. She must be in danger, I have to go find her!" I panicked, and began to run into the forest, I pulled out my walkie talkie "Mabel, come in Mabel." I said trying to remain as calm as possible. Only receiving static back I began to bang on the walkie talkie "Mabel!" I yelled into it, now completely worried. Grunkle Ford caught up with me and grabbed my shoulder, turning me around to face him "Dipper, Listen to me. We can find your sister soon, but first we have to stop Bill."
He told me, "If we can blast him back through the rift he came out of, we just might be able to stop him before his weirdness spreads across the entire globe." He heroically told me, though I still had my doubts, "Are you sure defeating Bill is even possible?" I asked, I knew how powerful Bill was, it'd be a miracle if anyone defeated him. He knelt down to my level "No, I'm not sure, but being a hero means fighting back even when it seems impossible." He told me inspiringly, I knew he was right, "will you follow me?" He asked, looking hopefully into my eyes, "To the ends of the earth." I responded and I meant it, "Good because that's where we're heading." He looked up and then a worried expression spread across his face, "You also might wanna step inside." He suggested as he stood up and we both began backing away from the weirdness wave that was approaching, We both ran inside the shack, slamming the door behind us until the weirdness wave passed it. "Right, no more fooling around, let's go." Great uncle Ford ordered, not wasting any time, I followed after him as he went down to his lab. He grabbed a brown backpack with gold buckles on it and put it on his back, he then grabbed a giant metal case with a yellow label on it stating 'experiment 618', "Dipper let's go." He ordered sternly and proceeded to make his way back upstairs, "C-coming great uncle Ford," I called after him, like a sheep obeying his shepherd. We made our way outside and started walking into town, it was then that we saw a whole gang of monsters all crowded together, "I have a plan." Grunkle Ford told me as he walked other to the bell tower. I followed him obediently and walked up the stairs. I made it up before he did, considering he was lugging a massive case with him. I walked over to the window and pulled out binoculars, I scanned the area trying to find Bill, but no sign of him, all his henchmaniacs are around, so he can't be far. Grunkle Ford finally slumped up the stairs, dropping his backpack and his case to the floor.
"Ah, my quantum destabilizer. I been waiting a long time to use this." He said aloud to me, while he opened the case, revealing a strange futuristic weapon, "We're only gonna have one chance to take this shot." He then lifted the weapon up and got ready to shoot, moving his gun around till he found his target, "Huh, where's Bill?" He questioned to me, still not taking his eyes off the gun, "I don't know, but he's gotta be here somewhere, right?" I responded nervously, this was bad, if we couldn't find Bill, we couldn't defeat him and send him back to his own dimension. Great uncle Ford, didn't let himself be panicked and remained calm and focussed searching for Bill. Just then disaster struck, a weirdness wave spread through town again, when it passed the bell tower, the bell came to life "hehauhehauhehau I'm alive now!" It laughed goofily and rang, throwing Great uncle Ford off his focus and accidentally sent a surge of power right through the monsters, not hitting a single one of them "Oh no!" Grunkle Ford panicked.
The monsters turns round to face us "There you are!" A pink woman like monster proclaimed, proceeding to shoot a surge of power at the tower with her finger. I was forced to the ground, lying flat. I quickly propped myself up and turned to look at great uncle Ford who was trapped under planks of wood and brick. "Great uncle Ford!" I exclaimed, worried for him, "Dipper take my journals." He commanded, using an ounce of his strength to slightly lift himself up and slide his backpack to me, journal number 3 sliding out in front of me. "Listen, I know of one other way to defeat's-" he was cut off as just then he could hear the monsters approaching "Oh no Dipper run get down!" He yelled at me and I wasted no time, with journal 3 in my left hand and my right hand dragging the backpack behind me and down the stairs. I then got out to see the monsters use their magic to pick him up out from the bricks and wood. "Well well well, look what I found." One green disproportionate monster with 8 balls for eyes told the others, "it's that mortal master wanted us to find." Another freak stated who was pink with massive lips, one tiny eye and two big horns on each side of her head with little horns in the middle going down her skull. "Bill." I whispered aloud to myself. Bill must've asked them to bring him Great uncle Ford to get revenge on him. I can't let that happen "Come on let's go." A pair off teeth told the others,
"WAIT!" I yelled out in anger. They all turned to face me, "Give me back my uncle OR ELSE!" I yelled, pulling out journal number 3. "Oh look, it's the other one." One of the freaks commented, "Dipper no get out of here. What are you doing?!" Great uncle Ford screamed at me, "Ohhh so you're Dipper. We've been looking for you." A freak said to me, I began to regret standing up, but I had to do it for Grunkle Ford. "Give my uncle back right now, or else!" I screamed trying to sound as confident as possible and whipped out journal 3 holding it in front of me.
"Aww give it your best shot."
"Haha a book?"
"Show me what you got kid."
They all tormented me, I started frantically flipping through the pages trying to find something to defeat them and couldn't find nothing, out of anger I ran towards the monsters attempting to punch them or attack them or just do something. I got an inch away from one, but it was then they used their powers to send me flying back and hit a tree. The journals spilt out in front of me, "Don't be a hero kid," the pink freak tormented as she took my books and burnt them. Me and Grunkle Ford watched in horror as all his research was destroyed in an instant, so speechless we couldn't say anything. "Yeah Hero's don't last in this world!" A diamond shaped freak commented.
"Me and 8-ball will bring him back to master. You guys take that one back," a literally pair of teeth commented, the rest then took Grunkle Ford and I immediately made a run for it.

I hope Mabel's okay.

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