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After 3 days
At airport

[You didn't went to school this day too.]

Yn. Bye maa. Bye papa. Bye uncle. Bye aunty. Have fun and be safe too.

You said before touching their feets on purpose of taking blessings.
They have you brightest smile (well but not more than your brother in law, Hoseokieee)

All except BTS and Yn. Always be happy dear/beta.

BTS. Bye Eomma, appa. Bye uncle aunty. Come back safe... And not so soon.

They whispered the last line...
They again said in unison and looked at each other hour their complete sentence for in synchronisation. (They were closed to enough to each other to hear the last line of each other.)

Yn. Did you all said some thing?!

Hoseok. No no. Nothing nothing...

He then again turned too their parents direction...

Hoseok. Again, go safely and enjoy as much as you want. No need to hurry. Take as much time as much you all want.

Mrs. Kim. Aaraso Aaraso. So, you all too take care. And you all (points at her son's, BTS) don't you all dare to trouble my daughter. Dear (turned to yn and give her a smile before continuing) if they even trouble you for once, then just let me know. I will beat their asses up.

BTS. Eomma...

They just whined... Meanwhile they all just laughter looking at them who where sulking like a child , when some one just opened their secret of strolling of chocolates at night.

After that they all big for one last time and went away.

Time Skip
At home...

[NOTE: It's evening now. The airport is art so much distance from their mansion and they went from their at 11:30 am. So it's evening now, 07:30 am.]

Yn. Ok so, I am going to room. If any one of you need any thing then you can tell me.

Hoseok. Ok babygirl.

He said as your cheeks went to light pink... Its not like it 's the first time he or others are saying this. They always call you with these little Nick names. But every single time they did made you feel tingle in your little tummy. But also how much more THOSE LITTLE NICK NAMES made millions of butterfly in the tummy, is only known by you and how much they (BTS) love seeing your cute flustered angelic face, and cherry on the top is by them, made them think like they now actually won the whole world.

Till now you all are friends for each other but their some undefined feelings between both (all) of you which, they (BTS) surely knows but you are still little continuing yourself but little did you know this also good some feeling for them. Its not even 6 to 7 days, and you all started to feel comfortable around each other, like you all know each other from years.

After that they all (BTS) went to Jimin 's room and yn went to her room.

Time Skip
8:30 pm

Jungkook. Let's go na now. I am very hungry now.

Jungkook whined as till now he was super hungry. And it's also the dinner time to now.

Jin. Ok let's go. Come guys.

After that they all went down stairs. Them they went towards the kitchen, only to see the whole dining table was almost full with different types of delicious Indian dishes.

An. Of course it would be Indian, dude.

All the maids were doing their work. Some were cleaning the floor (Don't the fu*k know who clean floor at night), some were
washing dirty dishes, and some were putting other dishes on the dining table.
But they all got stopped after seeing them (BTS) and bowed to them.

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