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BTS pov
Aish! She is so cute to handle. She didn't even do some thing and sole the heart of those 7 ruthless mafias even without her knowing.

Yn. Let's go now. We are getting late.

Suga. Yeah baby.

Your cheeks again went to light pink shade.

Yn. Hey stob it.

BTS. Aaraso Aaraso.

Yn. Hm let's go now.


After shopping.

Jin. You go and sit. I will drive.

Yn. But...

Jungkook. No buts.. We know you are tired.

Yn. Listen...

Taehyung. Say another word and we will kiss you...

You immediately bitted your lip and your cheeks went to light pink colour. You liked down started to playing with your fingers.

Suga. You really want us to kiss you, don't you!..

Yn. Huh! No.. I mean...

Namjoon. Then why are you poking us by biting your lips looking like a child... Don't bite your lips. Only we can do it.

Jimin. If you want then you can have ours. You can bite it as much as you want and can do anything. Not only lips but full body...

Your cheeks went to deep Pinki from light pink hearing him. You put your both hands on your face in order on trying this hide your flustered face which were extremely cutest thing to them in the whole world.

Yn. Yahh! Can you stop and just let 's go?! They will be waiting for us.

You said in a flustered year nervous way, trying to change the topic which didn't go unnoticed by them. They just chuckled at you but decided to go along with you, not to make you feel uncomfortable.

BTS. Okieee. Let's go.

They replied like a little child looking at you. You just chuckled at their cuteness. 
After that you all went towards your car...


Sitting orders...

Namjoon    Jin (driving)

Suga   Taehyung    Jimin

Jungkook     Yn      J-Hope


At starting time
(Sry, I forgot to tell you all.)
Forgive me😅😅😅....

Suga       Yn (driving)

Namjoon    Jin     J-Hope

Taehyung     Jungkook    Jimin


All the way they were talking, laughing, and teasing Yn...
After some times Hoseok feel some weight on his left shoulder. He look at his left side only to see Yn sleeping with her mouth opened a little looking cute while her head on his left shoulder and hand around his (perfect 🤭) waist, hugging him like a child.
He just smiled looking at her while tugging a hair strand of her beside her hair which were making her move a little a little in her sleep making difficult for her cuz it almost went inside her mouth as it was opened. But it gave Hoseok a little benefit as when she move she hugged his waist more tighter than before depending on it. He then placed a soft and gentle kiss on her forehead and cheeks. I then also took some photos of hers.

Hoseok. Shh, don't make noise...

He  said as he don't want anyone to disturb his line of life in her sleep.

Jimin. Why hyung-

All the members turned their head towards Hoseok while Jimin asked....
He said but stopped in the middle seeing the most cutest thing in the world for her.
Then Jin pushed his foot on the braker of the car and stopped the car and again liked at his cute little princess....

BTS. Ahh.. Why she have to be soo cute and sexy all the time...

Jungkook. Hyung give her to me please...

Hoseok. No. She is sleeping..

Jungkook. I know you can but you didn't want to..

He huffed... Hoseok chuckled and decide to tease them and make them jealous a little...

Hoseok. Her skin is to soft.

He said and again gently peeked your forehead and cheeks...

Hoseok. And her hands is also too small and soft. And it 's to good wrapped around my waist, right?!

He asked while others just liked at him in suprise and jealously...

Jimin. Yah Hyung! I also want to kiss her...

BTS (except Jimin and Hoseok). Us too...

Hoseok. Nope she is sleeping..

Suga. Like when you kissed her she was awaked and told you herself to kiss her...
Now let us kiss her now...

Hoseok. Aaraso.. But how.. Even if only Jungkook can...

Jungkook. Yeah so I will be the second... You all go. You all can't kiss her...

Jungkook chipped...

Namjoon. Don't shout kook. Cuz after you wo get done, we will got to your seat and will kiss her.

Jungkook. Huh.... Ok...

He said and opened the door and went outside after kissing her and taking some pictures of hers.

After that all of them kissed her and took some pictures of her.

[NOTE: Then didn't wanted to take advantage of her being in sleep so they only kissed her on her cheeks and forehead. Also they wanted to kiss her in her conscious when she will kiss them back in her on willings.]

After some times they reached the mansion.....

Taehyung. Hyung should we wake up her?!
We reached now...

[NOTE: They reached the mansion by them selves cuz of Google Map. They asked
Mr. Kim to send them the location.]

Jin. No! Our princess is probably tired after all this. Let her sleep. She can wake up at dinner time. It's just evening now...

Jungkook. Then I will carry her...

He said and picked you up in a bridal style... While other members just carry the shopping bags full of snacks and cold drinks bottles and cans and this school bag full of chocolates. And went inside.....


So here is the sixth chapter...
Hope you all liked it...

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Purple ya 💜💜💜💜

Stay tuned for next chapter and...
Byeeeeeeee 💜💜💜💜

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