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In the morning

Mrs. Kim pov
I was in kitchen cooking breakfast, thinking about last night. I wonder what will be their answer?! Then suddenly I felt two muscular arms wrapped around me. I looked back and saw Mingyu (Mr. Kim)
He hide his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling it. (Romantic Mr. Kim🤭🤣).

Mr. Kim. What are you thinking jagiya (honey)?!

Mrs. Kim. Nothing! Just thinking about last night.

Mr. Kim. About son 's marriage?!

Mrs. Kim. Yeah! I wonder if they will say yes or not?! We can't stay with them forever. Who will gonna take care of them when will be gone?! Who will gonna make them feel loved?! What will happen when we will be gone?! Be seeing their state, I have guts they will say no to this marriage. Then they will have no one to their side. Besides, our relatives are also greedy. They only want to took over their place.

Mr. Kim. Don't worry. Think positive. They will probably say yes. They never disappoint us even we are wrong somewhere. Moreover they told us they won't disappoint us. Think positive, jagiya. Nothing will happen.

Mrs. Kim. Hmm. But you know na. Mother 's worries.

Mr. Kim. I know I know. Now turn off the gas or you want to burn the food.

He said jokingly to change the topic. And it worked...

Mrs. Kim. Yeah yeah.
She then turned off the gas stove.

Mrs. Kim. Now let's go outside and call the boys for dinner otherwise it will get cold.

Mr. Kim. Hmm.

They walked outside the kitchen to the hall and were about to go up stairs to call them but halted on their place as they heard some sounds from up stairs. They looked up and saw them coming down stairs while looking hot and handsome as fuck at the same time as always.

BTS. Good morning appa. Good morning Eomma.

Mr. Kim. Good morning sons.

Mrs. Kim. Good morning.

Mrs. Kim. You all Go to the dining table. I will brought the breakfast, asap otherwise it will get cold.

Mr. Kim. Ok jagiya. Jagiya, do you need any help?!

Mrs. Kim. Nope. I can do it.

Mr. Kim. Ok sons let's go to the dining room.

BTS. Hmm, appa.

After breakfast.
They were still sitting their on their seats after breakfast, silently. Then Mrs. Kim broken the silence.

Mrs. Kim. So... Did you guys decide?! Will you all gonna marry her or not?!

She asked nervously...

Jin. Our answer is ....


In India

In the morning.
You came down stairs after doing your morning routine for breakfast.

Ym. Oh beta. You came. Come and have your breakfast. Sit there. Riya already went to her home with Shushant. He will directly go to office from there.

Yn. Ohk. I will talk to her on phone.

Ym. Ok. Now come and have your breakfast. Your father is already there. He will go to office after a while. Go there I will arrange the breakfast.

Yn. Hm maa.

After breakfast.

Yd. So beta did you decide?! Will you marry them or not?!

Ym. No need to pressurise yourself beta. We are ok with your answer.

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