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Before I start please read this...
Armies, so you know yesterday the album of our leader "rpwp" released and we are right now in a match with bunnies (new jeans fans). So please stream "Lost" as it's only 3. 06 M and their song "How sweet" has reached 5. 4 M so please stream "Lost". We need to win. We are Kookie stan. We don't lose. We are born to win.
Armies let's show them what we can do, if we come on our own. Please armies, let's get it...


And for next chapter vote target will be atleast 20+.
As I see many of you only read but didn't voted for it. I feel demotivated.

Taehyung. Weren't  you being to naughty Mogliettina (little wife or wifey)?! Do you need a punishment ?!

He again asked the same question, but with another nick name and with another question...


BTS pov
Taehyung said  and started taking steps towards princess causing her to go back probably in reflex. But where now?! Cuz blow at this moment, she was caged in between the arms of Taehyung.

Gosh... She looks so little, so dominating that enough for us to go on our knees but still so cute and innocent little baby princess of us. God! How much we want to throw her on the couch, not roughly but still and do many sinful things with her while night, more than enough for her to forget everything, every single name, even her own name, but just ours. Those plumpy kissable and juicy lips just did not thing but always invites us to devour on them and kiss them till we take her breaths away, and mix it with ours. Shit I'm already had just of thinking of her. And thinking of her on the bed of ours, moaning or names with her sweet melodious voice while we will keep doing it sweet and rough torture to her was making it more difficult. And there blissful view infront of us, her looking at us with her big doe eyes, crimson red cherry cheeks, chest going up and down every minute, was just like cherry on the top.
Fuck! Not even us know how we are controlling ourselves. But at a know we know, cuz of our princess, our babygirl, our amore, our love, our queen, our everything.

Author pov

Yoongi. Can we kiss you, amore?! Ha!

Yoongi said while coming forward, taking the lead form the younger one, taking their little angel in his arms, grabbing her by her waist not roughly but softly, trying not to hurt her and make her uncomfortable cuz it was not even the least thing they want to do even in their dreams.

Yn. Ye-es.

She said shuttering, not because she is feeling uncomfortable or uneasy or something like that cuz this was probably the best moment of her life till now. But cuz she is so shy.

Hoseok. Love you don't need to force yourself, cuz of us. Don't feel pressurized and make yourself uncomfortable, just to make us happy! Don't ever we are one girl men, and we will wait for our princess.

He said coming forward slowly with the rest too, thinking she is uncomfortable or something like that, meanwhile Yoongi taked a step behind, in disappointment and sadness, just thinking of his princess is uncomfortable with him, which he covered with a fake smile, but it was nothing for her to not notice the sadness and disappointment behind his smile, cuz of her.

Yn. No no. Im ready. It's just I'm a little shy.... Yoongles.

She said immediately, in a breath as if she won't say it then everything will shatter and then no one would believe. But the last word she said after few seconds in a low voice, almost inaudible but still they managed to hear it, as they were to focused on it. Hearing the cute Nick name everyone immediately looked at her and Yoongi 's ears turned red, and a cute bright gummy smile made its way all over his handsome and God damn angelic yet so devil like dominating face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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