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BTS pov
We went towards the front door then Namjoon pressed the door bell. Soon after few seconds the door opened revealing a girl which we supposed to be maid by her maid dress code...

M1. Sir..

She said but stopped as we signalled her to stop cuz our princess is sleeping... Then we said to show us the way more like whisper but loud enough for her to hear...

Jin. Don 't need to say anything or greet. Just show us the way. Yn is sleeping and we don't want her to get disturbed in her sleep...

M1. Ok. Follow me sir...

She said and started walking inside while us following her with Yn in Jungkook 's hand and bags in other 's hand...
As we went inside, and got in the hall way, we saw Eomma (Mrs. Kim), appa (Mr. Kim), Yn 's dad and another women which we suppose to be
Yn 's mom were sitting on the couch taking and laughing... Soon Eomma 's eyes feel on us...

Mrs. Kim. Oh some you are back... Omo what happened to Yn! Is she ok?! Did she fainted?! Did you all did some thing to her?! Yah say some thing, will any of you?! Say na...

Jin. Eomma we will but when you will let us...

Taehyung. Nothing happened to her... She just feel asleep, so we carried her. And these are just some shopping bags and one of her school bag full of snacks and chocolates and cold drink bottles and cans. She was sleeping so we carried it too. Nothing else happened...

Eomma. OMG! You guys got sick, don 't you all?! Means you all carrying a girl who don't even touch a girl even after so much attempts and caring her shipping bags who didn't even carried their own bags. You guys are really sick and very much badly. Ym, Yd, honey, let 's go to hospital. We need to take them to hospital as soon as possible other wise three diseases which by which they got caught will probably increase and it will get worse.

She said in a play fully yet in Jin 's rap manner while putting her hand on Hoseok's. [Or course Jin got this talent from her only.]

While they just blushed a little while hearing their Eomma 's word...

Jin. Nothing happened. We are okey. She was just tired cuz of shopping so she fell asleep. Sp we just called her and bags.

Ym. Omo! Did she trouble you all very much?! I told her not to trouble them too much. But she just told me that she will just go to shopping cuz he snacks stock are finished. This girl won 't change. Sorry on her behalf.

Yoongi. No worries aunty. She didn't do any thing. We decided or on our own will. No need to apologize.

Ym. Omo bestie. From where did you get these gentle men as your sons. You are so lucky.

Mean while Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim just liked at them in shock didn't being able to digest what they saw. And the not so Neumann behaviour of their sons towards them. But soon they saw their lovely gaze towards their little lovely and caring daughter in law, one and only Yn. Sp they just smiled at them and hummed.

Mrs. Kim. Hmm. I am really lucky..... "but you are more". [She whispered the last part.]

Jin. Uncle, aunty, where is her room?! We will put her and her things there only.

Yd. No need. Just wake her up dear.
She is being a little naughty more these days.

Namjoon. No no. We can and we will handle it. After all she is gonna be our bride in some days so we need to look after her very much and carefully. Then we should know her as much as we can. The sin the best. Just tell us the direction of her room.

Ym. Ok. 2nf floor, 3rd room from left side. And sons your all rooms are on the 2nd floor too. And ours on 1st floor. Are you all ok with it or should we rearrange it?!

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