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Yn pov
As I went outside someone covered my eyes with... his or her hands. I screamed a little in reflex but then he or she turned me around.

There were 5 boys looking young, not more then me, but yeah... Probably around my age or something like that.

The I looked around only to see them (BTS) running towards us, probably because I shouted. Then Jin started speaking...

Jin. Yahh! Princess what happened?! Does anyone hurted you!

Yn. No nothing! Just he scared me a little.

I pointed towards the boy who covered my eyes. No doubts they were good looking too, not more my loves but yeah they were. And yes I love them, not only one but all of them. I know this is absurd, but yeah live is unpredictable, and unimaginable. Or can happens anytime with anyone, at any places. And one of the best thing that is more than love is True Love. Those are the luckiest who got true love. I didn't confessed to them, to now. I mean, what if they misunderstood it or think of me as a slut or postiture or something like that. I... I... I just, I just can't... atleast not now.

Jungkook. Yahh! Beomgyu you won't change right?! Now see what you did?!
You scared her. Now say sorry.

Kook said to one of those boys. Probably his name is Beomgyu as kook said.

Beomgyu. Swarry hyung. Swarry Yn shii. Please forgive me.

The guy named Beomgyu said. They know me. But how. Do I know them. I don't think I ever meet them or I am really that dumb or I just dont remember them. Goddd! Help me... Screw it... Just let me ask them.

Yn. Oh! It's ok. But can I ask one thing...

?!. Of course yn shii. Go ahead. Please don't hesitate and ask anything freely.

Another guy spoken. Well one thing is clear that they are too much humble and respectful and friendly.

Yn. Umm! Do we know each other?! If not then how do you know me?! ANG if yes then forgive me, I don't remember any one of you. Swarryyyy!

I said and down my head a little bit being able to look in there eyes, blushing down in embarrassment.

?!. Oh shit! We forgot to introduce ourself. So I'm Soobin. And don't say Swarry yn shi. We are the one who needs to apologize.
And you all introduce yourself too.

Another one of them said. Then they introduced themself one by one.

?!. Hlo! I 'm Yeonjun.

!?. Yo! I am Hyunin Kai.

¿¡. Hii! I 'm Beomgyu.

¡¿. Hlo! I am Taehyun.

They all said introducing themselves. Then they all said together.

All (TXT). And we are... Tomorrow By Together, TXT.

They said while doing a step, which might be their signature step. "Cute", They were looking cute while doing that.

Author pov

Yn. Cute. Thanku all are looking cute while doing this.

She said and giggled a little while her soft and melodious voice echoed a little, and they all put their right hand on the back of their necks, scratching it a little in synchronisation probably cuz of shyness...

Seeing this yn again laughed in her soft voice.

Yn. You all are really too cute to handle.

She said and pinched Beomgyu 's nose a little, and their cheeks went red probably of shyness. But they were failed to notice the deadly glare which was given by their elder brothers to them.

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