10. Miss Americana And The Heartbreak Prince

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"You know I adore you, I'm crazy for you"

Maia and Ava were 3 days in Massachusetts and already were having so much fun. They've been soaking up the sun, baking with maia's mom and sister, going on boat rides, including visiting the kennedy family.

Maia felt good being home. She really missed it, especially her family. Ava was already loving it in Hyannis port and joked about buying a house here.

It was the night before Thanksgiving and everyone was given something to do. Maia was given the dessert, Ava was told do nothing because she was a guest, emma was helping mrs dalton with the extra turkey as they were going to have lunch next door to the kennedy's.

Maia made 3 desserts including a chocolate cake. She was officially exhausted and just wanted to sleep. She didn't think about showering as she would do it in the morning.


That morning Maia woke up to her surprise, a bit earlier than usual. She used that opportunity to get things done such as showering, doing her makeup and hair.

She begin to wonder what she was going to wear as she walked around in her bath robe with a towel on her head. She had two options: a little white dress or a red midi dress. She went for the white dress.

She did her hair and did minimal makeup as she knew it was a bit hot out and didn't want to sweat it off.

Ava was already downstairs chatting away with mrs dalton while making breakfast for everyone. No one wanted to eat too much otherwise there'd be no room for Thanksgiving lunch later on.

"hmm smells amazing, i really missed this" Maia said while hugging her mom tightly
"i really miss you being in the house" mrs dalton responded giving her kiss on the cheek.

Maia's brothers and father came in from sitting on the porch. Her sister in law that was married to the one brother while the other brother was going through a divorce with his wife already set the table.

Mrs dalton had made pancakes, scrambled eggs, fruit salads, bacon and cinnamon rolls that everyone always loved.

Everyone was chatting away at breakfast when Maia realized she forgot the caramel sauce for the chocolate cake.

"oh shoot, i totally forgot about the caramel sauce for the cake" she said sounding like she was going to cry
"do you want me to go out and get it?" her dad offered but she refused as she feels it was her responsibility to get it.

She finished up the rest of her breakfast and got ready to go out. She grabbed her shoes and keys as well as a sun hat.

As Maia was driving she realized how much she missed being home. She should visit home every 3 months she thought.

When she got to the store, it was a bit packed. Everyone getting last minute things for lunch. She still remembers running around in this store with her sister while being a handful to her mom. That was really good times and she missed it.

Maia got what she wanted and bought extra snacks for late afternoon. She tried rushing home cause the cake needed to be completed.

10 minutes later

She ran quickly as she could inside to finish the cake. Everybody else was already next door for pre Thanksgiving snacks and drinks.

About after 20 minutes trying to perfect the cake she was satisfied with the result. She quickly put the cake in the fridge and cleaned up to go next door.

As she stepped outside she saw a black car parked out front. She didn't think anything of it as it was probably someone mrs kennedy invited over for Thanksgiving.

She made her way up the porch's steps and accidentally bumped into someone.

"oh im so sorry, I didn't see where I was going" she said apologizing to the person
"don't worry about it ms" the person responded

She recognized that voice. It couldn't be. Not him. She had to pause for a moment before she looked up.

"American glory faded before me"

There he was. John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The president of the United States of America.

She was completely shocked at his sight.

He looked down at her. He realized who he was looking at. The person who's heart he broke 10 years ago .

They both stared at each other.

"Maia" he said softly

"Jack" she said softly

Taylor Swift - Miss Americana And The Heartbreak Prince

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