24| We're in this together

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I walk into the shed where Lizzie took the Blackthorn witch. She still hasn't given up anything.

"You ready to talk?" I ask. "I know you're hungry."

I hold up a burger. She looks up and her face looks drained of all life. She's tired but she should've thought about that before attacking Lizzie.

She tries to stand up but I kick her back down to the ground. I kneel down with my fangs out. She flinches when I grab her neck. I dig my claws into her neck.

"Talk or I will kill you."

"What do you want to know?"

I smile, letting go of her neck. I stand up and take a few steps away.

"When is Ursula planning to attack?"

I hear her take a few deep breaths. I turn back around.

"She's not stupid. She knows she needs a plan."

"That's not what I asked."

"There's resistance."

Now that is something I was not expecting to hear. I tilt my head, waiting for her to continue.

"There are witches in the coven who do not wish to go to war with you. We all know your power exceeds any of ours and you're not even at your full potential."

"So?" I ask. "She sent you to what? Spy?"

"I thought.. I thought I could kill the Gemini witch."

I laugh. It kinda just came out. There really was no stopping it.

"The Gemini coven held some of the most powerful witches alive and you thought you could kill a Gemini witch? A Gemini twin at that."

"I may not have killed her.. but someone else will."

I kneel down and smile.

"I'd like to see them try."

I start to walk out of the shed when she stops me.

"Ursula knows about the Stilinski boy."

I turn around, holding my hand out. I slowly close my hand as she struggles to breath. I close my hand and her head pops off of her body.

"Hmm.. didn't know it would do that."

I walk out of the shed, taking my phone out of my pocket. I check the time first before clicking Stiles text.

Stiles: Where are you?

I throw a portal and walk through it. Stiles is sitting on the edge of my bed. He stands up when he sees me.

"Everyones already at the rink."

"Okay, then let's go."

I walk past him but he grabs my hand, pulling me back. I look up at him and he closes the short distance between us.

"You went to see that witch again, didn't you?"

I open my mouth to talk but quickly close it.

"She may or may not be dead now.."

"You killed her!"

"I didn't mean to okay.. but maybe I wanted to."

"She could've been an advantage for us."

I smile.


"We're in this together."

"This isn't your fight, Stiles. And Ursula knows about you so you could be in danger."

"Yeah, well.. my girlfriend is the most powerful witch alive. I think I'm fine."

I crash my lips onto his. His hands move to my lower back, pulling me closer to him. I pull apart when I feel something.


"I don't wanna hear it."

He looks up at the ceiling as his Adams apple bobs. I kiss the side of his neck before escaping his grip.

"Get rid of that and meet me at your car."

"You're the worst!"

"You love it!"

I walk out of my room, biting my bottom lip. I head out to his Jeep. I jump onto the hood, lying down to look at the stars.

It takes Stiles almost ten minutes to come outside. I sit up once I hear the snapping of a picture. I sit up and turn to him. He helps me down, his hands sliding up to my face.

"You know how many times I thought about scenarios like this?"

"You make me happy, Stiles." I smile. "Like really.. happy. After Bella died I didn't think anything like this could happen."

His eyes scan over my face. Our eyes meet again. I always loved the color purple for obvious reasons but that's all changed. The color brown with a hint of honey in it is now my favorite.

"We should get to the rink, lover boy,"

"Or we could skip and do other things.."

I back away from him and head to the passenger side. He follows me, opening the door.

"My back hurts."

"You're welcome."

I get in and don't say anything. I can see his smile as he gets in and starts driving down the road. We finally get to the ice rink. Lizzie and Lydia are standing by the doors while Allison and Scott act all cute.

We get out and Stiles runs to the doors to unlock them since he's the one with the key. How he even got Boyd to give him the keys is astonishing. Boyd doesn't even like him.

I walk in last because I'm not really even wanting to go ice skating but Stiles though it would be a cute double date. And then Lydia found out about it and wanted to come. Same with Lizzie.

"Here." I turn around to Stiles holding skates. "I bought you some because I knew you didn't have any."

"You didn't have to buy me some."

"I did."

I smile and take them. We walk to the benches and he helps me put them on.

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