31| This is my life!

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I twist a knife in my hands. I stare at the tip, imagining what would happen if I just..

"What's up, buttercup."

"I'm surprised you're not out with your lover boy."

"Oh, please.. the only lover boy here is Stiles."

I look behind her at Stiles and Scott in the living room. I smile when Stiles looks at me. He pats Scott on the back before walking towards us.

"Speaking of.."

Lizzie walks out of the kitchen. He slides his hand onto my back.

"I wish your hair would grow faster."

"You don't like the buzz?"

"You know I hate the buzz."

I run my hands through his non existent hair. He leans forward as our lips collide.

"Ew.. can you not do that in front of me?"

I back away, wiping my lips as Scott pretends to throw up. I roll my eyes. He's so dramatic.

I grab my head in pain. I've never felt pain like this. It's a girl screaming. I fall to my knees, holding my head.

"What's happening?"


Both Stiles and Scott kneel in front of me as I try to comprehend the pain. I close my eyes, opening them to a whole new scenery.

I look at a girl with long dark brown hair like mine, her eyes are the same as mine and Scott's.

She's crying. She also looks out of breath.

"You are an abomination!" A man yells. "You are no child of mine!"

"Good thing I'm not yours."

The girl is snappy. I like her. But I also don't know why I'm seeing her. Or why she was even able to get into my head, even if it was on accident.

She looks up at me and her eyes go wide. It's like the man in front of her isn't even here. She stands up and a smile crosses her face.

"It's you.."

"Y-you can see me?"

"My sister."

The more I look at her, the more I see some of my mom, dad, Scott and myself in her.

"Oh my God.."

"Come find me."

I take a deep breath. Everyone looks at me worried. I stand up, pissed off.

"I'm gonna kill him!"

I throw a portal and walk through it. I don't realize Lizzie is right behind me until she stops me from attacking Strange.


"Get off me!"

I push her off as Strange looks at me with cold eyes. I haven't seen him since he told me everything. And now there's more lies.

"I saw her.. I fucking saw her!"

"Calm down, Olivia."

"Calm down?" I create an energy dagger. "Don't tell me to calm down!"

"Just sit down and let me explain!"

I pull the dagger back in and cross my arms. He explains the whole scenario of what happened.

I don't know why I'm surprised. Strange has proved himself to be a piece of shit.

He took her when she was just a year old. Apparently some of my magic stayed in my mom's womb which caused her to be born with magic.

He erased her from our memories, I probably wouldn't have remembered anyway. She's only two years younger than Scott and I. But he took her from my parents.

I let my arms fall to my sides. I want to kill him. I want to hurt him so much that he's begging for death.

"Liv, don't."

Lizzie sees right through me. She knows I want to hurt him.

"Olivia, let's just talk."

"You are a liar! Time and time again you never cease to amaze me with the shit you pull, Strange!"

I don't want to talk to him. He claims to be so high and mighty but he's not. He does these things for his own agenda.

"She was in danger.. because of you! I had no choice!"

"You have every choice! And you chose the wrong one.. again!"

"This war is starting because of you. Do you think it wise to involve her?"

"You took my sister from me.. from my mother! And erased her from our lives like she meant nothing. So, fuck you. I'm finding her."

"If you do.. this will not end well." He snaps. "You are putting her life in danger!"

"You have no right!" I yell. "This is my life! My fucking life! And you've chosen what goes on in it for far too long."

I throw a portal and walk through it with Lizzie. She looks around, confused.

"Where the hell are we?"

"Liv? Lizzie?"

We both turn around as Davina appears. Her and Kol have been hiding away. She hasn't told anybody except me.

"I need your help with a location spell."

In theory I should be able to do it. But if she has traces of my magic in her, I don't know how easy it will be for me to find her alone.

"Who are we looking for?"

"My sister."

She looks just as confused as Lizzie.

"Yeah.. I know." I walk towards her. "It's a big fucked up situation. But I don't trust any other witch more than I do you."


"And Lizzie."

Davina smiles and ushers us into the cabin.

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