38| I hate being this powerful being

270 11 2

Four Months Later


I smile as Allison runs towards me. She nearly knocks me over with her hug. She's been in France the entire summer. Which means she missed what happened. I vaguely told her what happened in one of our planned Skype calls.

"Where's Lizzie?"

"With Isaac I assume."

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."


Lydia's yell makes me cover my ears. She takes my place holding Allison. We all get into my car. Lydia goes on a rant of everything we did over the summer while Allison was gone. Now that Lydia knows everything it's made things easier.

"It is not a double date, it is a group thing."

"If it's a group thing why isn't Liv going?"

"Don't involve me in that."

"It'll be fun."

"So, how's things with Stiles?"

Things are great. I've tried getting what Wanda said out of my head all summer. It's like the words are burned inside my head.

I don't want to give him up. But I also don't want to lose this war. There is part of me that's scared that he'll be used against me.

"Can we go back to Lyd forcing Allison on a double date?" I look from Lydia in the backseat to Allison in the passenger. "It's a double date so have fun."

"I knew it!"

"Ugh.. it's not an orgy." Lydia says. "You'll live."

"So.. Stiles."

"I'm really not in the mood to talk about that."

They both look at me confused. I love him, nothing about that has changed. But for once I might be scared. I don't know what to do.

"Oh my God. Oh my God." Allison repeat the same three words another five times.


I look to my left and see Stiles and Scott staring into my car.

"I can't see him, not now. Liv, just go."

"It's a red light."

"I don't care.. go!"


I hit the gas and speed through the light. She lets out a deep breath.

"You okay?"

She nods. I look in my rear view mirror and see the Jeep finally move at the green light.

"Liv, stop. We need to go back and talk to him."

"Make up your mind!"

I stop my car, turning my body around to look out the back windshield.

"Uhh.. they're stopped too.."

"Why would they stop?'

"It's Scott and Stiles, do you really wanna try applying logic to those two?"

Lydia doesn't bother turning around.

"Maybe we should go back-"


Lydia points to the front. I turn back just as a deer crashes into my front windshield. We all scream as glass shatters everywhere. I jump out of my car. I pluck a piece of glass out of my cheek.

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