32| You came.. you found me

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"Is this really a good idea?" Lizzie asks. "Liv, you didn't even tell Scott."

"He'll find out when I come home with her and I'll reverse the spell that Strange did."

"What about your dad? I mean.. he's just gonna randomly remember a daughter but has no memories of her from the past fifteen years?"

"I'll do a different spell on him.."


I look at her as we both get ready for our day ahead.

"Don't give me that look. She called out to me, okay? That place she's in.. it's no place for her. On top of that she needs to know how to control her magic."

I know she agrees, she just doesn't want to. And I'll tell Scott and my mom but when we get back with Ashley.

"Fine.. what's another sister?"


I throw a portal and we both walk through it. I stare at the house in front of us. It looks old and rundown. I look around the neighborhood and a lot of these houses are the same way. Almost like no one takes care of them. 

I walk towards the door. I knock on it, not getting any sign of life. I knock again and then I hear yelling in the faint distance. Footsteps stop right at the door before it swings open. 

"Who the hell are you?"

The woman looks and smells like she hasn't showered in weeks. She stares at Lizzie and I like we're absolutely inconveniencing her. 

"Is Ashley home?"

"Ashley?" She says. "Oh.. her. She's not."

I can hear Ashley's heartbeat inside. 


I grab the woman's head and slam it against the door frame. I walk over her body as she grasps her head. 


"Oh, calm down."

The inside of the house looks so much worse than the outside. Garbage everywhere and it looks like nobody cleans. A man appears and I recognize him. 

"I'm calling the cops!" I hold my hand up as his phone turns to dust. "What the hell are you!"

"Quite literally your worst nightmare come to life."

I throw an energy blast at him and listen to crying. I follow the sound down to the basement where I realize there's a lock. I break it and walk down the stairs. 

I see Ashley with chains around her arms and legs. She slowly looks up, shocked. She tries to stand up but unable to. 


I smile and walk further towards her.

"The one and only, baby."

"You came.. you found me."

"Like I was gonna let you stay in this hell hole."

I kneel down to her and look at the chains on her ankles. They've been treating her like she's an animal instead of a human. It breaks my heart, I can see the pain behind her eyes. 

I break the chains off of her. She looks at me surprised. I smile and help her up. 

"We should go."

I look over my shoulder at Lizzie. I throw a portal and she helps me with Ashley. Scott is in the kitchen and he drops his chips when he sees us. 

"Who is that?"


"I told you."

"Shut up."

We bring Ashley up to my room where she gets in the shower. I tell her to pick anything out of my closet to change into and to just lay down. 

Lizzie walks with me back downstairs. I look at Scott and sit down the kitchen table. 

"There's a lot I need to confess to and I will but.. she's our sister."

"I'm sorry? Did you just say sister?"

I slowly nod. 

"Scott, please, sit down."

It's time for me to tell him everything. And I mean everything. I've been keeping it from him too long. He's my brother and he deserves to know. 

Castles Crumbling | S. StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now