56| She is nothing I've ever seen before..

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Two Weeks Later

I stare out over the city. I used to love this place. I always considered the Sanctum my second home. Clea and Strange's lies made me forget why I loved this place so much.

"You've been up here a lot."

I turn and look at Strange. I've spent a lot of my time here with him, trying to figure out how to track down the Chaos Magic and how to access Mount Wundagore.

I hate to admit how nice it feels. I wouldn't say it to his face but he's helped heal the emptiness in my heart. I still never got over Lizzie's death and I don't think I ever will. Between losing her and saying goodbye to Stiles, I haven't felt like myself.

"I used to love coming up here and looking at the stars."

"I know."

I look back at the city. My smile drops when I hear something unusual.

"What's wrong?"

My eyes scan the city. I hone into the conversation.

"Let it loose."

"There's something coming."

I run down the stairs with Strange right behind me. He grabs his cloak while Hailey and Clea look confused.

"Stay here and protect the Sanctum."

"Stephen, what is going on?"

I press the button on my new bracelet that reveals my newly designed suit. I smile and throw a portal as we both walk through it. Bystanders quickly notice us.

"It's Dr. Strange!" A lady yells. "Run!"

People start running as we walk down the street. I stop him. I can hear whatever it is coming. It rounds the corner and it's huge. It's like a huge octopus with one giant eye.

"What in the hell is that?"

"That doesn't feel like it's from this universe.."

He looks at me and I avoid eye contact. It sees us and disappears.


Strange flies into the air. I look around at the people watching.


I throw an energy blast in the direction of the creature. It comes into view again. Strange tries cutting off one of its legs but it hits him in the air. It looks right through me. I turn around and look at a young girl, probably around Ashley's age.

"It's after you.."

"Get her out of here, Olivia!"

I grab her arm, throwing a portal and throwing her through it. I turn around, knowing I should probably help Strange. Wong appears out of nowhere.

"Go, Olivia! We have this handled."

I walk through the portal. Clea is trying to talk to the girl.

"Why was that thing after you?"

She turns around and looks at me.

"You're her.."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"The Tribrid.. the Violet Witch."

I grab her by her neck and slam her body against the wall.


"What do you know about me?"

"My mom's used to talk about the great Tribrid.. everyone thought you were trouble but they.. they believed you were our savior."

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