46| How could I miss this event?

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I stare at the old motel. Something about it just feels odd. I can't really pinpoint what.

"This looks like the type of place a serial killer takes his victims."

Coach hands out keys for rooms. We pair up, and I end up pairing with Allison. I grab two keys, throwing one to Lizzie, who's rooming with Lydia.

We start walking towards the motel. I look over my shoulder at Lydia. She hasn't moved since getting off the bus.


"I don't like this place."

"I don't think the people who own this place like this place." Allison says. "It's just for a night."

"A lot can happen in one night."

I look back at the motel. Lizzie wraps her arm around Lydia and makes her walk with us.

We walk to our rooms. I head into our room. The place is seriously giving murder vibes. I sit on the edge of one of the beds.

The first thing Allison does is go to the bathroom. She brings out towels.

"These wreak."

"Says smoke free."

I grab the towels from her.

"I'll get new ones."

I walk out, going a few doors down to Lizzie and Lydia's room. I knock once and Lydia swings open the door.

"I'm not going alone, come on."

I grab her and pull her out of the room. We walk down to the front desk. The more time we spend here the more creepy it gets. Who would willingly stay here? I sure as hell wouldn't and don't really want to.

"Excuse me, the card of the dresser says we have a non smoking room but somehow all of our towels wreak of nicotine."

I notice numbers on the wall. I nudge Lydia and point to the numbers.

"What's that?"

The woman looks at it.

"It's kind of an inside thing for the hotel?"

"What is it murders?"

I joke because why in the hell would they keep that up.


I glance at Lydia. She looks paler than her usual self.


"A hundred and ninety eight?"

"And counting." She cackles like it's funny.

"We just need new towels." I snap. "Can I please get new towels? I'm gonna ask nice before I get hostile."

I push the towels forward. She gives us new towels as Lydia and I rush back to our rooms. I throw Allison a clean and smoke free towel. I tell her everything that happened with the lady.

"A hundred and ninety eight?"


"What kind of place keeps track of that.."

"I don't know but on that note.. I'm gonna go for a little walk."

I walk towards the door.

"Are you sure it's even safe?"

"Allie Poo, it's me. Nothing really scares me."

"Oh my God.. when are you going to stop calling me that?"

I started calling her that only a few weeks after we met. She hates it so naturally I love calling her that.

"When you're dead."

Castles Crumbling | S. StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now