35| You don't deserve this power

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"Who is this again?"


I look at Ashley as she slowly nods her head. We walk into the old Hale house, staring at Peter's back. I clench my fists.

"God, I was really hoping you weren't really back."

He turns around smiling.

"What is this one doing here?"

"This one could make sure you stay dead next time." I snap. "So, watch it."

"He's not here."

I look at Derek. I'm here to make sure Isaac doesn't leave. He told me earlier about Erica and Boyd leaving which I could less of a fuck about but him? Lizzie cares for him and in that way I do too. I don't want her to be heartbroken

"What the fuck do you mean he's not here?"

"He's at the game."

I slowly nod. This makes my job easier. I start to push Ashley out of the house when Peter opens his mouth.

"Don't tell me there's another witch."

I turn around and hold my hand out. I smile as the air escapes his lungs.

"Don't think I forgot you used my mom in your little game of trying to get Scott to join you."

"Liv, stop."

I let go of him at Derek's voice. I finally leave with Ashley. We get into my car and I drive to the school.

We don't really talk. Ashley hums the entire way to the bleachers.

We look around for Noah on the bleachers. I see him sitting beside our mom and Lizzie. She's been oddly calm about everything. I honestly thought she'd be more pissed off about Scott being a werewolf and the fact we've hid it from her for so long.

Once she sees us, she waves. I make Ashley walk up the bleachers first. Ashley sits next to her while I sit in between her and Noah.

"Oh no.. why is my son running onto the field?"

I look at the field and see Stiles running onto the field. Stiles doesn't really play, and as much as he loves the sport he's not very good at it.

"I think he's playing.." I smile and stand up. "Wooh! Yeah, Stiles!"

I sit back down when Lydia walks up to us. She sits beside me, rubbing her hand on my arm. The last week has been awkward for everyone. No one's really talked to one another.

The game starts and the opposing team already shoots two goals. Stiles hasn't really done much except for catch the ball and do absolutely nothing with it.

"He's probably just warming up."

I look at Noah who is staring at the game. The ball then hits his head and the crowd boos.

"Come on, Stiles! You got this!"

"He definitely doesn't got this."

"Have faith, Lyd."

I see the number fourteen get on the field. I look over at Lizzie who has the biggest smile on her face.

"Let's go, Isaac!"

She stands up and is the only one in the crowd cheering for him but she doesn't care.

"So, when did you two start dating?"

Noah looks at Lizzie concerned.

"It's kind of a blur.."

"You know he was a murder suspect, right?"

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