three: "youre a goddamn idiot"

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Drip. Drip. Drip.

The room Ada was being held captive in was so silent she could hear the blood dripping from her face hit her arm. She was conscious now, much less powerless than she was when she was first taken. And now she had the ability to feel everything her body endured during her hours of unconsciousness.

Delirious, tired, and weak. All three words that could be used to describe how she felt. She didn't know how but she knew she was gonna have to get herself out of there.

Just then the door to the room slammed open and the sound of a struggle could be heard. Grunts and skin to skin contact could be heard.

Ada sat up in the chair, turning her head slightly towards the noise. The hood was suddenly pulled from her head and her hair was pulled, forcing her head in the exact direction of the scuffle and she watched as the man who brought her there get beat by another man.

"Are you fucking stupid, punto? You brought a fucking cops kid here and then in true dumbass fashion, you sent her father a fucking video from our location. You must be a fucking idiot. Por que no deberia matarte ahora mismo?" The man said as he continued to kick and punch the man who was lying on the floor in a fetal position.

Ada watched in horror as the man continued the beating, and the man receiving it cried out in pain. He stopped briefly, looking up at the girl.

"Do you know how you stay successful in this life, mija? You do it by not being a FUCKING DUMBASS!" He stood up, walking over to the girl where he squats in front of her, rolling the gag down from her mouth to let it hang around her neck. "Such a pretty girl. It's a shame, they don't make beauties like yourself no more. They all end up Putas o drogadictos. Ain't a path for a pretty girl like you."

Ada took in a deep breath, pulling against her restraints, knowing it was to no available. "So just let me go, and uh... I promise to do my best not to end up drugged again and or pimped out, but you gotta let me go man." Ada felt the blood pooling in her mouth again, spitting it out on the ground beside her.

"You've seen too much, princess. I can't just let you go like that. We gotta kill you, and that's a damn shame." The man pulled her lip back, taking notice of her bleeding gums and lip. "I got a thing about kids. 'You never touch the kids', but you, you are no kid. You're all woman," he said, tutting before leaning back with his arms crossed.

"Please. I didn't see anything. Mis labios estan sellados. So there's no need, okay. Please just let me go!" She knew it was useless, and she knew the odds of her getting out on their terms was 10/90. And the odds were not in her favor.

"Don't beg, mamas. It ain't cute." He moved away from her, making eye contact with the men behind her. "Why'd you even take her anyway, Julio? Let alone from a fucking school."

The man on the floor who was all bloodied and bruised had managed to get himself sat up as he nursed his bleeding lip. "H-her father arrested Raul on some bullshit gun and drug bust."

He nodded his head, cracking his knuckles, chuckling to himself. "Good to know. Good. To. Know!" The lead guy balled his fist up before he struck the girl in her abdomen, subsequently knocking the wind out of her.

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