two: taken?!

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THE CONVOY of police cruisers came to a halt as the 20-Squad S

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THE CONVOY of police cruisers came to a halt as the 20-Squad S.W.A.T team all exited their respective cars, heading into HQ.

"Good job team," Hondo said as they all met back in the computer lab after putting their AR's away.

"We finished that call and it's only 3pm, i say that calls for some celebratory drinks!" Street said, high-fiving Chris and Tan who were on his left and right.

"Alrighty, let's not get to planning drinks just yet. We're still on call," Hondo reminded the team, just as commander Hicks walked in.

"Hondo! Man, what the hell are you still doing here?" Hicks asked as he stopped right next to the man.

"What do you mean? We just got back from helping 30-David squad with a call," Hondo told him but the man just shook his head, putting his hands up.

"I've been trying to reach you all God damn morning man, your foster son has been too."

"What's going on, Hicks? You seem nervous, man." Hondo was beginning to worry because it seemed like Hicks was beating around the bush about whatever it is he was trying to tell him.

"Ada was taken from her school at gunpoint."

The room went silent. The 20 David team had been talking amongst themselves but stopped the minute Hicks revealed what happened.

"W-what?  What are you talking about?" Hondo asked as he fished around his pockets for his personal phone, where he saw he was being blown up by his foster son, his father, his mother, and his sister.

Commander Hicks swiped the remote from off the center table, turning the tv on and the volume up, as the news story of the incident began to play.

" we are, live at Malcolm X High School, where yet another school shooting has taken place. Five injured, and one missing in the incident as well as the perpetrators. 15-year-old Ada Harrelson was abducted from her classroom, by what witnesses say were 5 masked gunmen armed with Assault Rifles and other semiautomatic weapons-"

Hicks turned the tv off, looking at his officer who looked like he was going through all stages of grief at once. "Hondo-"

"No. We need to track her phone or her watch! Street go-"

"No, Hondo! Her phone and watch both were found smashed in the bushes by the entrance her abductors took her out of. We tried that already. We are trying to figure out-"

The man smacked his hands on the table as rage radiated through him. "We're not trying hard enough! My daughter was taken! How the hell is someone taken from a school?!"

"Cortez is down at the school now-," Suddenly the TV cut itself back on, and a masked figure was displayed on every TV throughout HQ.

"Greetings 20-David. You thought you all heard the last of me, but I can assure you that you haven't. Sergeant Daniel Harrelson, I have something of yours, that I'm thinking you want back." The masked assailant stepped back from the camera to reveal he was in a dark room with only a ceiling bulb there to offer light. In the middle of the room was a chair, in it sat a girl who's head was hung low, with a hood over her head. She was clearly unconscious, and the tan hood had blood seeping through it.

Hondo stared at the screen, seething as he attempted to calm himself down.

The IT workers in the room did their best to track the signal of where they were broadcasting from but clearly whoever it was knew what they were doing.

"Your little Ada will suffer due to your bad policing, Hondo. The little shit put up quite the fight, but she will not live long enough to tell the tale for herself."

The screen went black before returning back to its original screen.

"These assholes take, Ada and just expect us to roll over and not do a damn thing?"

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