four: shitstorm and a storm of shit

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"Here's what IT was able to pull off these guys from the hostage video, " Deacon said, walking into the eagles nest as he sent them all digital documents from what he was able to gather

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"Here's what IT was able to pull off these guys from the hostage video, " Deacon said, walking into the eagles nest as he sent them all digital documents from what he was able to gather.

"Guy in the front with the eagle tattoo on his face is Julio Gutierrez aka Armado. Rap sheet is as long as a line at Disneyland, ranging from double homicide, to capital murder of a police officer. We already know he was the number three in the Las Cartas De Sangre cartel," Hondo explained after the picture of Julio popped up on the screen.

"The other two big guys in the back, Isaiah Kane and Kevin McCullough. Both on their third strike with the law. Each apart of their own small time gangs. None with any serious offenses." Deacon finished for him as the pictures of the other two popped up.

"Alright I don't get it. What this guys beef with Hondo, and what does is have to do with Ada?" Street questioned looking around at the whole team.

"It's Julio's brother." Hondo said as he stared at the paused video Julio sent.

"Raul Gutierrez? It's been two years, why is this becoming a thing now?" Chris asked remembering the call.

"The oil barrel case. Where Raul was kidnapping people for fun and stuffing them inside gasoline drums and burying them underneath ground. He killed 11 people before we busted up his operation and killed him." Luca recalled from his side of the cyber desk.

"We had entered the basement where all these killings had taken place after we finally got a good lead, and Raul and his buddies all opened fire on us. Many of them were taken out in handcuffs, but Raul—"

"Hondo killed him," Street pieced together. The room was silent for a moment just as footsteps could be heard entering. Hondo turned his head at the entry way, just as Mumford's entire team as well as Commander Hicks and Captain Cortez.

"What are you guys doing here?" Street asked surprised.

"Hey Hondo, we're here for you. Figured two teams was better than one, was thinking we could put our heads together to help extradite this and bring Ada back here safely," Mumford explained.

"You guys didn't have to come in on your day off. We can handle it," Hondo dismissed as he turned his head back to the screen.

"Of course we did, Hondo. Hey, Ada's apart of Swat's family. And we won't stop until she's back. You got that?" Mumford said, grabbing Homdo's shoulder.

Mumfords team joined the 20-David squad at the cyber desk, catching themselves up in all the evidence they were able to gather.

"I called in a few favors from friends in high places, we're going wide with this. All hands on deck, no one will sleep until she is found," Hicks informed the teams. It was needless to say that he didn't have to announce that. No one was leaving anyway.

"LAPD patrol officers have been working an investigation similar to the Gutierrez Barrel case only difference is their suspects MO is to kill their victims first and use the barrels as makeshift coffins. Raul left his victims alive," Tan informed them of the work he found.

"If this Julio guy is anything like his psychopath brother and if he is following his timeline, we can assume that we only have about... 13 hours left to find Ada before it's too late," Chris mentions as she looks up from her watch.

"They're going the shorter route. That video... it was clear that they were torturing her, I mean look at the thumbnail. She's got a bag over her head with blood seeping through it."

Hondo rubbed his hand down his face as he attempted to calm himself. "Okay, if he is... t-torturing her then we might have less time than we thought. We've gotta find something else and act on it now!"

"Unless she's already dead, and they're just trying to ensue an ambush," Rocker suggested, warning looks from everyone, even members of his own team.

"No. I've known Ada practically her whole life. She's just like her father, and I know she isn't going down without a fight." Hondo sent a nod to Deacon as a thanks as he himself flared at rocker annoyed.


A grunt left her mouth as soon as a fist made contact with her cheek. The man she now knew as Julio was returning the beating he received for bringing her there back to her, in an unfair way as she was still strapped to a chair.

"Ah! Stop!" She struggled against her restraints and finally gained enough strength to rip the arm of the chair off just as he went in for another punch, only this time she was able to swing the arm into his face causing him to fall to the ground in pain.

Ada made quick of pulling the duct tape apart from her left arm and both her legs, before standing and staggering towards the door. Her body was still weak from the drugs and due to being hit in the ribs, but with the adrenaline rushing through her she had more fight than she could've hoped for.

She slung the door open, rushing out into the hallway only to notice that she was in some sort of abandoned building. She looked quickly from left-to-right before quickly running left and out a set of double doors. It was almost never ending as she went down hallway after hallway before finally reaching another set of doors only this time they led to the outside. Ada looked back, not hearing or seeing anyone come after her to her relief. She quickly pushed open the doors and began taking off running as fast as she could.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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