Chapter One

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I was rushing through the corridors of my agency to get to my manager's office before he can snap my head off. My phone was buzzing violently in my back pocket and I knew it was Beatriz telling me to go see my manager Adam as well, but I decided to not answer her calls.

I burst open the door to find Adam looking surprisingly excited in his grey leather chair. He spun around as soon as he heard me.

"Ah! Adriana come in!" He exclaimed, pointing to a seat opposite opposite him. I was rather scared that Adam is suddenly so happy as he's usually really glum, but I sat down anyway wanting to find out what he is so excited about. "I have some great news!"

"Enlighten me."

"Well, Gucci have called Beatriz this morning and they have expressed interest in you representing their new fragrance, Gucci Guilty for women..."

I squealed immediately and bobbed up and down in my seat, waiting for him to finish.

"...but Chris Evans has also been offered the job to represent Gucci Guilty for men, which means you'll have to work with him for most of the time."

I sank down in disappointment and glared at Adam.

"Adam, I love the job offer but you know I work best on my own and plus what if I don't get along with him? That wouldn't be good for both of our careers, especially since it means that we'll be working together for most of the time- it'd get awkward."

He paused before replying quickly, "I knew you'd say that. You know you can just decline the offer."

"I know but I really want to do it. It would be good for me. Can't you just ask them for me to do the photoshoots on my own and then they can photoshop me in?"

Adam stared at me as if I was dumb, his mouth gaping open, "Adriana, you have got to be serious."

I sighed, thinking for a second, "Fine I'll take it."

Adam cheered to himself and grinned at me,"I knew you'd come to your senses. Congratulations Adri. Now you can leave. Come in tomorrow to get the paperwork and the photoshoot for the first campaign will start the day after that."

I nodded, taking in all this information as I slowly left his office, thanking him.

Knowing myself, I'm not exactly that comfortable around men and I tend to fuck up every time. I couldn't afford to mess this campaign up as it is really important to me and I'm not going to ruin it because of some actor...even if I do find him a teensy bit hot.

My mind was all over the place as I exited the building and headed back home. I was getting even more stressed as I realised that I was going to be late to pick up Rafael from his school.

My phone started ringing the 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air' theme tune. I glanced at the caller ID while the car was waiting in traffic. It was Rafael's teacher, Mrs Vega. I didn't pick up because I knew she was going to tell me that Rafael is the last kid in school left and that I need to pick him up.

I arrived at the school 20 minutes late and practically sprinted to my boy's classroom, where I expected him to be waiting.

I ran through the door and found Mrs Vega with her back to me, cradling what looked like Rafael. I rushed over to them and hugged my child but he yelped in pain and I let go straightaway.

I couldn't help but scream when I saw a huge bleeding scar down his tanned face.

"Baby what happened?" I gasped, cupping his face in my hands and examining him.

"He was playing on the swings and decided to jump off. He scratched his face on the edge of the swing seat. That's why I called you. Not to tell you that he was late but to tell you that he hurt himself badly."

I sighed in frustration as I kissed his face.

"Where's the nurse? Wasn't she here?" I asked Mrs Vega who was looking down at us with sympathy.

She shook her head, "She left as soon as school finished. You were really late so we let Rafael play on the swings while you came and I don't know how to treat such a huge gash, except to put a plaster on it, but that won't really be any use if I'm honest."

I hugged Rafael again as I thanked the teacher and rushed him into the car, so I can treat him before anything worse happens to the gash.

When I arrived home, I called for Maria my maid to come and help out. She used to treat injured poor kids in her home country of Venezuela, so I thought she might have some idea of what to do.

She quickly grabbed a bandage, covered it in Aloe Vera cream and wrapped it around Rafael's head like a turban. I sighed in relief when I realised that there was nothing wrong with him.

"Muito obrigada, Maria," I cried in happiness as I hugged her hard. She chuckled lightly, "De nada, señorita." I spoke Portuguese with her and she spoke Spanish with me but we understood each other.

"It tickles," Rafael mumbled, giggling slightly. He was a very shy young child, but a very happy one as well. I glanced at his huge chocolate brown eyes and I had to turn away as they reminded me of his father's so much.

Will I ever forget that man?



Hey bbys! I'm soooo sorry for the late update! Its just that I've been busy for my holiday and all, but I tried to write as much as as possible so here it is! This is the second chapter, please tell me what you think and don't forget to vote! I'd appreciate it sooo much. Again thank you all very much ♥

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