Chapter 10

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It was now the ceremony and the atmosphere was suddenly very alive. Directors ran around shouting orders, photographers and stylists desperately followed the celebrities and speakers were getting hooked up with microphones. I had to stay backstage, so I couldn't see Chris until I finished handing out my award.

We saw the beginning of the ceremony on a huge TV backstage. All the guys had to sit in the theatre to receive their awards, while Shakira and I stayed behind backstage. We were halfway through Thierry Henry presenting an award when Shakira asked me, "What's happening with you and Cristiano then?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me, but I just elbowed her.

"Nothing. We've just been talking and getting to know each other." This was partly true. I mean, when we started talking again in Sergio's room after all these years, it felt like we were getting to know each other all over again and I really enjoyed it. Now, whenever I see his face, I don't feel sick or awkward. "What about you and Sergio? You seem to be quite close."

"Yeah... he's amazing," she sighed in contempt. I smiled at her. It's so cute when someone reacts this way about a person they love.

We watched the show, clapping every now and then when someone we know received an award. Then a producer approached us and asked us to get ready to go up on stage for our segment. Shakira and I squealed excitedly to each other before following him to the stairs that led to the stage. We were set up with microphones like everyone else. As soon as I heard my name being announced first, I bounded onto the stage, my dress flowing wildly around my legs.

Lights hit me immediately and there's thundering applause, and I'm both blinded and deafened at the same time. I smile at the crowd and wave as I stand in the middle of the stage. Then Shakira's name is called and she walks elegantly and waves confidently, while the crowd goes wild. We smile at each other when we are standing next to each other. Then the name 'Mia Hamm' was announced and I realised that the mysterious woman who was standing next to me before was the famous American ex-female footballer, Mia.

It took a while for the applause to calm down. While they did, Shakira picked up the winner's gold award, I picked up the silver and Mia picked up the bronze. I returned to my position in the middle of the stage and found that the three nominees were standing in a line on the other side of the stage.

Shakira said her quick introduction about the World Cup and how it was an exciting time and everyone was a winner etc etc then Mia held the microphone and said her bit "And the winner of the bronze award is..." there was silence, "Neymar!"

Everyone clapped, but not very loudly since it was only the bronze prize. Neymar grabbed his prize from Mia, shook her hand and walked off backstage. The clapping quietened down quickly and everyone eagerly listened for me to announce my part.

"The winner of the silver prize is..." intense silence surrounded me as I tightly held the heavy prize in one hand and the microphone shook slightly in the other "is Klose!"

Shakira quickly took over, "That means James is the winner and receives the gold Endeavour prize!"

The all erupted into cheers and applause as Klose received his award from me and sincerely smiled as he accepted it and shook my hand. He waved to the crowd before disappearing backstage. When James went to Shakira, the crowd and cheering grew so loud that it nearly burst my ears. Shakira squealed and hugged him instead of shaking his hand and he was blushing a little as he shyly thanked the crowd before slipping backstage as well.

We all waved and bowed to the crowd and all of us ran backstage squealing among each other. Shakira and I hugged while the microphones were removed from us.

"That was so fun! I thought I was going to mess up but that was amazing!" Exclaimed Shakira, breathlessly. I agreed in excitement and was about to open my mouth to speak but was interrupted when the backstage manager announced that it was a mid-show break.

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