Chapter 11

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By this time, the people were streaming out of the theatre. I wandered around looking for Chris, but I began to get frustrated so I returned back to Cristiano's dressing room where everyone was hanging out as well. 

"No luck?" Cristiano asked as soon as I came in. I shook my head sighing.

"I think it's time to go anyway," I announced to everyone, "My driver is waiting outside."

All of them hugged me one by one with promises to text each other soon. Cristiano was last to join in the crowd. He held me at arm's length and stared into my eyes with a saddened look in his dark caramel eyes.

"Don't forget me again," He whispered in my ear when he hugged me and it made me slightly startled and I kept staring at him when he pulled away but wasn't making eye contact with me.

I rushed out of the room so that I can get in the car without Chris telling me off for being late.

I had to get through the red carpet first though. I smiled and posed for a while before the horn honked and I had to rush to the car.

"Where were you?" Chris groaned as soon I jumped in.

"With my friends," I said stiffly.

"And who are your 'friends'?"

I stared out of the window for a while before replying with a list, "Shakira, Sergio, Marcelo, James and...Cristiano." I wasn't sure about the last one- was he a friend, an acquaintance or maybe even more than that?

"You're hanging out with Cristiano? Why?" He scoffed.

"Because I can hang out with whoever the hell I want ok? And he can too so don't you dare tell him to leave me alone because I actually like his company."

Chris' eyes popped open wider and his mouth fell wide open. I felt quite triumphant and tried to hide a smirk. He couldn't say anything for a long while so just turned his face to the window leaving the rest of the journey very quiet.

When we arrived at the hotel, we got undressed and ready for bed without a single word. I wasn't surprised when he decided to sleep on the couch and turn his back to me because it meant more room in my bed.

I still couldn't skype or call Rafael because of the time difference, which annoyed me a lot. So instead I decided to text Cristiano. I don't know what drove me to do it- maybe it was my anger towards Chris or maybe that I couldn't sleep but I pressed send to this message:

So today was kinda fun ;D

He replied straightaway with:

It really was... It was so good to see you again after all these years Adriana

My heart felt weird and heavy and it was beating very strongly against my chest. I fumbled with my phone, not knowing what to reply. So I ended up sending:

Yeah me too. You've changed a lot and in a good way

I nearly shrieked when I saw his caller ID on my phone, it buzzing wildly in my hand. I was frantically debating whether I should answer it or not. I rushed into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Err...hello?" I whispered.

"Adriana? Hey it's Cristiano," his familiar deep voice rang in my ear.

"Hey...what's up?"

"Nothing I just wanted to talk to someone since I couldn't really sleep."

"Yeah me too. I've just been on my phone the whole time."

"Well in that case let's go get some coffee and have a walk around."

I stifled a laugh at his ridiculously spontaneous request.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because a) it's nearly midnight and b) I can't just leave Chris here. What if he wakes up and doesn't find me?"

"Ok first of all he's not a baby and secondly it'll be really fun and we can explore more of Zurich together."

A part of me really wanted to go but the other part thinks that I should be responsible and stay in the hotel but of course I was weak and decided to go.

"Ok let's do it!"

On the other end of the phone he let out a 'yay' which made me chuckle. We discussed the details and he told me to meet him in a little cafe called Bar Wüste which was halfway between our hotels.

I had to silently get dressed in the dark so as soon as I was outside in the lights of the corridor I checked my makeup and hair in my little mirror.

It wasn't hard to find the cafe since there was a restaurant and cafe map in the door of the hotel which was easy to follow.

As soon as I arrived to the cafe I was met with Cristiano sitting outside and he stood up as soon as he saw me. He gave me a quick hug and we sat down at the little table.

"What can I get for you?" He asked.

"Oh it's fine. I'm still feel ill from the disgusting slop served at the venue earlier," I chuckled, remembering Shakira's expression.

"Suit yourself."

We sat there in awkward silence not knowing what to say.

"I still have feelings for you Adriana," he blurted. It was definitely an ice breaker that's for sure.

"What?" Why was I surprised? It was kind of obvious, but it was just weird hearing him say it himself.

"I've never stopped having feelings for you. Ever. I was selfish and I realised that I needed you. I should've never left you and Rafael. Those few months that I spent with you were the most amazing months of my life and I should've relished them. I love you."

I didn't know what the hell I was doing at them time, but I grabbed his face from across the table and I kissed him with all the passion that I had. My mind shut down and my mind wasn't over processing anything which made the kiss feel so natural. I didn't want to let go, but I let go of him slowly watching his expression. He slowly formed a grin and this time he grabbed my wrist, guided me around the table and sat me on his lap as we returned to our sensational kiss in the beautiful Zurich night.

All those feelings from when we were together years ago were alive and burning between us again. Even feelings that I was having recently which I didn't realise myself until now were surfacing again.

He suddenly let go, grabbed my hand and led me as we ran and ran. I couldn't help but follow, already out of breath from our kiss.

He led me through his hotel doors and then into his room. I definitely knew where this is going and I didn't stop because this is exactly what I want.

He kissed me lustily as we continued our passionate encounter throughout the night.

Eyes // Cristiano RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now