Chapter 9

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After I got off stage, me and Shakira chatted a bit while we waited to be seated. She's so down-to-earth and I felt as if I immediately clicked with her. She told me about her two little boys and I told her about Rafael. Aside from both being moms, we realised that we were fans of each other,

"Can I just say you're my favourite model ever!" She exclaimed. I felt so amazed that such a compliment came from one of my idols.

"That's funny because you're my favourite singer! Seriously, girl, you have talent."

She shyly said thank you and smiled gracefully. I also learnt that both of us can speak Spanish and Portuguese so we decided to communicate in Portuguese since neither of us could speak English that well.

However, I was curious at the fact whether she was in a relationship or not and I decided to brave it out and ask her.

"Erm If you don't mind me asking do you have a boyfriend or anything?"

She stared at me for a while and I was scared that I might've crossed a line.

"No," she finally replied, "I'm single. I forgot how fun being single was. You're going out with Chris Evans right? It was in the newspaper the other day."

I nodded, unsure of what to say.

"Although," she began, "Not trying to cause trouble or anything but I think Ronaldo has the hots for you. He hasn't stopped staring at you since you came down the stage."

I followed her gaze to see that, indeed, Cristiano was with a group of people but he wasn't even glancing at them. His eyes were fixated on me. I quickly turned my head away and pretended that I didn't just look at him.

I couldn't help but giggle at her so I said , "Anyway how do you know he's been staring at me this whole time? Were you staring at him too?" I nudged her playfully.

"Actually no. I'm staring at his teammate, Sergio Ramos. That is one fine man."

"You should go talk to him," I encouraged her, "I think he's single."

"What? And leave you all alone like bait so that Cristiano can come up and eat you alive? I don't think so."

I was secretly glad she said that, because it was a worry that kept nagging me in the back of my head.

"Hey, I'm starving let's go to the snacks table really quick," she announced, holding her stomach. She grabbed my hand and led me to the table. There was just some chips and a jug of juice. It looked a bit sickening and decided to wait until the buffet in the real ceremony. Shakira was, however, stuffing her face.

"This is delicious, you should try some," she said, her mouth full. I shook my head and smiled politely not wanting to point out that there's some unknown green goo on the chips.

From the corner of my eye, someone tapped her on her shoulder and she spun around and immediately started squealing, jumping up and down while she hugged him. I turned around to see who it is and I realised that it was James Rodriguez being squashed by her.

"Adriana! This is James, oh my god," she introduced us and hugged him again, looking as if she's on the verge of tears. I smiled politely shaking his hand. He was very cute and, as Shakira demonstrated, very huggable.

"I'm guessing you two know each other," I said, gesturing at them two.

"Yes! James is my Colombian baby brother," she said, still clung on to him. I stared at her- she had a brother?

"Adriana she's joking," declared James, noticing my expression, "She's just saying that we're really close."

"Oh..yeah..of course; I knew that!" I laughed nervously, but they were too busy glued to each other to notice me being idiotic.

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