Chapter 8

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"What sort of a question is that?" I asked, shifting uncomfortably on the bed.

"I don't know, just wondering. I mean we're in the stage of our relationship where you tell me stuff like that."

"Er... That's too personal. I'm sorry."

"Oh. Well I wouldn't really know the guy...unless he's famous."

"He is and it was a stupid mistake that happened ages ago. There's no need to worry, Chris."

He nodded but he still seemed a little skeptical.

After a few minutes of battling sleep, I drifted off, the excitement of tomorrow still hidden within.


The next morning, I felt myself being shaken violently.

"Wake up! Wake up!" There was a loud shouting ringing right next to my ears.

I grumbled and turned away from the noise. There was a sudden light that shone on me that penetrated through my eyelids and it was really annoying me.

"I'm up for God's sake!" I yelled and turned in my bed so violently that I immediately landed on the floor with a thud. The same ringing voice was now laughing hysterically. I groaned as I hauled myself and padded over to get myself ready in the bedroom.

I literally looked like a zombie and the more I look at my reflection, the more I want to cry. I was about to leave for the pre-ceremony practice in five hours, but knowing myself, I'd probably take seven hours...minimum.

I was debating with myself whether I should start getting ready now or later when Chris swung into the bathroom already wearing his suit. He was about to say something when his mouth dropped when he saw that I was still in my pyjamas.

"Don't look at me like that!" I whined, "You men only have a few things to do to get ready. And anyway, you're just a quick dresser yourself."

He sighed, "It's fine. You have five hours to get dressed. I'm pretty sure you can manage by then. I just wanted to say that Maria called last..."

"What? Why did you not reply?" I spun around from my mirror to face him so that I can attack.

"Because we were asleep. They called last night two hours after we got back."

I groaned in frustration, "Rafael always gets stressed out when I don't call him when I'm away abroad or in another city."

Chris wrapped his arms around me in comfort, "It's ok he's got Maria. He loves her to bits. I bet he can manage just a few hours without talking to you."

"I'll have to call him when I finish getting dressed then."

"Erm...He's still in America, you do realise?"


"The time difference?" He stared at me as if I was stupid, "He's probably fast asleep by now."

I physically face palmed myself, "Oh yes you're right, silly me."

"I'm distracting you now. Get dressed quick!"

He left the bathroom and collapsed on the bed, not even bothering at the fact that he might crease his suit, the one that I ironed. I stared at myself in the mirror again, deciding what colours I should do my make-up with. Usually, my make-up artist and hairdresser, Valeriya, does everything for me, but since I couldn't get her with me to Switzerland, I had to do my hair and makeup by myself. But, I know the basics and I learned a few tips and tricks from her, so I guess I can do this on my own.

About half an hour later, I finished my make-up; smoky eyes with a hint of green on the corners and nude pink lipstick with a light pink blush. I look decent and I was happy with how it turned out. The next step was the hardest- hair. I'm very amateur but I dabbled with some hairstyles anyway until I realised that I was hopeless at it and just tied it back in a strong-pull ponytail.

I was so excited to wear my green dress and black stilettos so that the outfit can be complete. When I wore everything, I couldn't help but smile at my efforts towards styling myself. I walked out of the bathroom finally to find Chris fast asleep. I smiled at how cute he looked when he was asleep. I glanced at the clock to see that we had two hours left. I calculated the time it would take us to get there plus traffic then approximately an hour and a fifteen minutes, so I decided to nudge him a bit.

He immediately sat up, with a worried look on his face. I assured him quickly that we can leave now and we would have time to get there on time. He wiped sleep from his eyes and he had to do a double take when he saw me, "You look amazing...Wow..." He gasped in awe. I thanked him shyly, blushing slightly. He always complimented me but this time it felt different since it was such a formal event.

We headed out of the hotel and clambered into the car that we called a few minutes before. The ride to the arena was a lot shorter than it should've been but it was probably because we were both so excited. There was a lot of press outside even if it wasn't the actual ceremony. Chris and I posed a few times and sometimes on my own, but then a muscled bald guy all in black clothing came out and invited us in.

He told us to sit down and watch everyone else do their speeches and presenting and then he can come and collect us again so that I can do my own award-presenting. We watched people such as Pele and Nadine Angerer.

It was all very entertaining until suddenly someone announced that the nominees for the Ballon D'or had to line up on stage so that the know the arrangements and where they stand. Obviously, they won't announce the winner until the ceremony itself. But I was so excited earlier about getting dressed and arriving at the destination with my boyfriend that I completely forgot the fact that at some point, among all the excitement, that I would have to see or bump into my ex-flame. Up on that stage he can probably see the whole theater and in my stupid attempt to avoid Cristiano's gaze, I slumped down lower into my seat.

So far, he hasn't spotted me yet thanks to all the other people but they were taking so long and it was agonizing. As if a help from God, the bald man in black called us to go backstage. Chris led the way and I decided to stick so close next to him so that I can be hidden next to him. I was surprised that Chris hasn't noticed how weird I was acting.

I was waiting in front of the steps that led to the stage so that I can come on and present my award. The other two people who were supposed to present the other awards with me were nowhere to be seen or maybe that I can't recognise. I heard my name and I bounded up the steps and put on my best smile. The other two people were already stood on stage and they just so happened to be Shakira, who has been one of my favourite singer since ages. I suddenly felt very starstruck, but next to me she was so calm and collected and beautiful as well and I decided to be just like her, otherwise it looks weird that there's this goddess and a weird troll like me standing next to her. However, I didn't seem to recognise the other person which was a bit awkward.

I glanced across at the theatre in front of me and studied the people who sitting there. One person definitely caught my eye. Cristiano. He was staring at me and as soon our eyes met, he smirked and rested his head on his head. I quickly took my glance elsewhere before anymore awkwardness occurred. It's so much stranger to see him in person after all these years and it made my heart beat so fast. Why is this man everywhere?

Eyes // Cristiano RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now