❝ 𝗘𝗣 𝟭; 𝗠𝗔𝗗𝗠𝗔𝗫 ❞

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- 3rd Person POV

"Don't come home too late, school tomorrow kid." Your older brother said. "Yeah, I know." You responded.
You were heading to the arcade for a bit before Halloween. The town was still a little bit paranoid about the events from last year. Some kid suddenly getting revived isn't normal, ya know.

You got out of your brother's car, told him bye, and went inside. You went to check on your Street Fighter score, and as expected the nickname "Y/N-H." was still on top. You were pleased then heard some boys complaining behind you. Turned around and saw that they had lost their score to someone else.

You noticed that one of the boys was the kid who disappeared last year. He was wandering off outside and it seemed like he didn't know where he was going. Then you quickly noticed another boy, Mike, following him once he saw him wandering off. You knew him since Steve was dating his older sister, Nancy. Meaning you had to talk to him while they were hanging out. Steve and Nancy had gotten into a fight over something last year. You didn't know the exact details but it left him bruised up when coming home.

You played around and ate for a bit more. Then, when you checked your watch, it was about time to be heading home. It wasn't far since the town is pretty small. You got home washed up and went to bed.

- Your POV

It was now morning. Which means I have to get ready for school again. I picked out a simple outfit (A/N; you can imagine it however u want). I put on some light makeup and sprayed on some sweet perfume.

"Hurry up Steve! You can do your stupid hair in the car." I yelled at him. "Alright, calm down kid. By the way, I'm picking up Nance on the way to school, alright?" He said to me.  I just nodded.

We were now at school, we were a bit early so we three stayed in his car for a bit. My brother and Nancy were going over one of his essays, she started correcting some things about it.  He suggests fixing it with her tonight but she reminded him of the dinner they had with the Holland family.

They started getting lovey-dovey, so that was my cue to leave the car. I grabbed my backpack and shut the door. But before I could leave they also stepped out of the car. I'm guessing they heard that really loud engine going off, who wouldn't look? The license plate said "California," and a man stepped out. He was wearing tight jeans and a jean jacket, and smoking a cigarette. A girl had also stepped out but she quickly left to the middle school on her skateboard.

Girls from the high school start swooning over him. I finally started to leave for the middle school before I would be late. "Hey. Can you wait a second?" Someone asked me. The voice was unfamiliar so I turned around. It was the girl with the skateboard. "Oh, hey," I said. "Can you help me find the principal's office? I don't usually ask for this stuff but you look nice" She said to me. "Yeah, sure" I agreed. I took her there, the walk was pretty awkward until she broke the silence.

"Max," She said. I turned to her with a confused face. "That's my name," She told me. "Mine's, Y/n. See you later if you want to eat lunch together" I smiled at her. She nods and slightly smirks at me before heading inside the office. Then I finally headed to my class which was science.

The class was kind of boring. I almost fell asleep until the door opened. "Ah, this must be our new student!" Mr. Clarke said. "Indeed it is. All yours" The principal said. I saw Max heading in the direction I was sitting in until she was stopped by Mr. Clarke. "All right, hold on. You don't get away that easy. Come on up. Don't be shy." He looked over a the boy sitting in front of him "Dustin. Drumroll" The boy started tapping his science book.

"Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California. The latest passenger to join us, Maxine!" He introduced. "It's Max." "Sorry?" "Nobody calls me Maxine. It's Max." I noticed the boys in the front whispering to each other. Max was finally allowed to sit down. She sits down with me in the back, I smile at her and she nods her head in a 'hi' motion before looking away. The boys from the arcade seemed to be interested as they all turned to look at her.

I met with her during lunch. I was walking beside her while she did her cool skateboard stuff. We both noticed the boys were staring and following us during the whole lunch period, they weren't even trying to hide it. "Watch this." She got a piece of paper and wrote 'Stop spying on us creeps.' We head up the steps and she throws the paper away knowing that they would grab it. We looked through the window and started laughing at their disappointment. It's fun to have a friend again since my last one moved to Jersey. Doesn't even call me like they promised.

After school, Max and I were heading to the arcade. I got there early since I had a free period before dismissal. I waited outside and then noticed the noisy car again. It was Max's brother who was dropping her off. They were arguing and when he drove away she stuck up the middle finger at him. I slightly laughed and she walked up to me so we could go inside. I watched her play Digdug then we played against each other on Street Fighter, which I won.

We played for a couple of hours then we were getting ready to head home. "Hey, what's your phone number? So I can call you up to play again." She asked, "Here let me write it down." I grabbed a receipt from my pocket and wrote down my number and address with a smiley face on the side. I handed it to her when heading out of the arcade. She looked at the paper and smiled at me, I smiled back too before going our separate ways home.

I got home and nobody was home again. I reheated some pasta and ate in the living room. I started thinking about the stalker boys, especially Mike. I used to talk to him when he and Nancy would come over. He would talk about his nerd stuff and different movies. He stopped talking to me after last year, not sure why but I don't care anymore.

Once I finished my food, I went upstairs to my room and started getting ready for bed. Then I got a call, which I'm guessing was from Max. I picked it up.
M: "Hey. It's me."

Y: "Hi Max."

M: "I was wondering if you wanted to come trick or treating with me. It's cool if you don't wanna."

Y: "Oh yeah I'll go with you, it's better than going alone."

M: "Alright cool, see you tomorrow then?"

Y: "Mhm yeah"

M: "K. night' Y/n"

Y: "Good night."

I set the phone down and smiled. I finished getting ready for bed and then dozed off.

This night felt really cold for some reason though.

⎯⎯ ୨ Authors Corner ୧ ⎯⎯
hi hope you liked this :3 Didn't proof read so sorry for any typos lol.

*Word count: 1275* ‧₊˚

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