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- Your POV

I got ready for school pretty quickly. Why? So I could prep my costume, of course.  Opened my closet doors and displayed it out on my clothes hangers. I was pretty proud of it since I bought it all by myself. Anyway, Steve had already left so I had to walk to school. And no, I wasn't late.

When I got to school I saw Mike and his friends at the bike racks. They were dressed up. The ONLY ones dressed up. I sorta felt bad, they started looking at me so I shot them a smile. Which made two of them stumble around. Yeah, they were kind of weird but I still felt bad.

After class, Max and I were standing near her locker. We were talking about our costumes for tonight. I was going as Vincent from Tim Burton's short film of the same name. I watched it a couple of times on a sketchy CD I got from a yard sale. Max was putting stuff in her locker and two of Mike's friends came up to us.

"Hi, Max. Harrington, it's an honor. I'm Dustin. And this is.." Dustin said before getting interrupted. "Lucas." The other boy said. "Yeah. We know. The stalkers." Max responded. I slightly laughed. They were taken aback and started stumbling on their words. "No.. actually we weren't stalking you," Lucas spoke up. "We were just concerned because yknow you're new and all." The curly-headed boy pointed out. "Mhm. There's a lot of bullies here-" "So many bullies it's crazy." "Yeah." They said.

"Well I already have Y/n here, so I was fine anyways. Also is that why you're wearing proton packs?" Max asked. "Well, these don't function.. but.. I do have this handy dandy little trap here!" Dustin said, very excited to show us. "And look, it even opens and closes, Look!" He shows the ghost trapper opening and closing a couple of times. "Cool right? No? Okay."

"So we were talking last night, since you two are friends and Max you're new here..  you guys probably don't have many friends to take you guys trick or treating. And since you're scared of bullies we were thinking.. that it would be okay that you two come with us." Dustin declared. He was rambling for at least two minutes. " 'It'd be okay?' " Max quotes them. "Yeah. Our party's a democracy and the majority voted you guys could come." He answered. "Didn't realize it was such an honor going trick or treating with you guys," I said to them. "Well yeah! We know where to get the full-sized candy bars. We'd figured you'd want in." He responded to me.

"That's presumptuous of you," Max told him. The boys looked confused because they didn't know what that meant. So they started agreeing with her. "So uh.. you'll come?" Dustin asked us, to switch the subject. Max slammed her locker shut and tapped my shoulder to walk away. "We're meeting at the Maple Street cul de sac at seven. Seven on the dot!" Dustin yelled before we went to class.

After school Max and I said our byes. "I'll call you when I get home alright?" She said. "Are we going?" I asked her. "Going where? Trick or treating? Yeah obviously." She responded. "Yeah but with Dustin and Lucas," I said. "Oh. Yeah, I guess. But I'll think about it so get home fast." She said to me. "I will" I replied before she walked to her brother's car. I also ran to my brother's car, I had to hurry since Steve had to go to a party with Nancy.

When I got home I went to my room quickly to get ready. Then the last touch was the face makeup which took me thirty minutes. Lots of eyeshadow was wasted for some fake eye bags but I didn't use the shade anyway. Then I waited for Steve, his costume was pretty simple so I wasn't sure why he was taking so long. While I was waiting I finally got a call from Max. She told me that she was going to scare them when we got there. I laughed and finally left the house with Steve.

We picked up Nancy and then went to the party. "Meet back here once you're done, kid. Ten o'clock." Steve said to me. "Yeah, I will," I replied. I got out of his car, heard the loud chants from inside, and then rushed to the spot where Max and I agreed to meet. I eventually found her and she got ready to scare the boys with her Micheal Myers costume.

She saw them and jumped towards them. They started screeching. She made fun of the way they screamed and I was laughing too. I came up next to her and we started walking towards the houses. We turned around and saw they weren't following us. "You guys coming or not?" I asked them. "Oh! I heard we should hit up Loch Nora. That's where the rich people live right?" Max suggests. Lucas and Dustin looked at each other and ran up to us. "Yeah!" They agreed with Will following too. However, I noticed that Mike stayed behind for a bit.

While all of us were trick or treating Will and Mike just started staying behind. Mike looked mad, probably because he didn't want us here. I'm not sure. "Another full-size. Seriously rich people are such suckers. Sorry Y/n" Dustin says, I laughed. "Wait Max you're not rich right?" He asks her "No, I live up old cherry road." She told him. She mentioned stuff about skateboarding then Dustin and Lucas started talking like 'surfer dudes.' "Do they actually say that Max?" I asked her. "No!" She says while laughing.

- 3rd person POV

"Did you agree with this?" Mike asked the boy who was filming his friends. "What?" He was confused. "To them joining our party." He specified. "It's just for Halloween," Will told him. "You should have checked with me," Mike told Will in a tone of disapproval.
"Well, they were excited so I thought you'd be okay with it." He tried to reason with him.

Mike ran off to a different house leaving Will alone, which he was told not to by his brother. He started wandering off and older trick-or-treaters began to intimidate him. Calling him nicknames and trying to scare him with their props. He fell over on his back and was in those 'visions' again.

The area was dark and gross just like the last time he was there. "Mike?!" He started shouting for his friend. He started wandering further still shouting Mike's name. Then he saw it again, a weird dark void of darkness which expanded to show its tentacle-like features.

It scared him, making him run away and hide until it was over. He hid behind a wall so the darkness wouldn't see him. He snapped out of it when Mike found him "Will?! Will. What's wrong? I couldn't find you are you hurt?" Mike asked him. Will was panting heavily and then the rest of his friends came back to see what was wrong. "Holy shit!" Dustin said, "Is he okay?" Lucas asked Mike.

"I don't know, I'm gonna get you home okay?" Mike gets Will up on his feet. Dustin tried helping but Mike ignored him. "Mike?" Dustin was confused by the sudden change in Mike's mood. "I got him. Keep trick or treating. I was bored anyways" He told Dustin while trying to keep Will stable.

"What's wrong with him?" Y/n asked the other boys. Max looked at them for an answer. They just stayed silent.

- Your POV

"Alright, I'm heading back now guys," I told Max and the other boys. "Where? We haven't gotten to some houses yet." Dustin asks. "Have to go back to that Halloween party," I told him. "Oh right." He said disappointed. "Sorry, I'll see you guys tomorrow though right?" I said to them then I walked away. They were shouting a bunch of goodbyes to me and stuff.

I got there pretty early. I saw a bunch of older kids throwing up, drinking, making out.. and a bunch of other stuff. I waited by the car eating some of my candy, waiting and waiting. Some older dudes came up to me taunting me about how my brother isn't going to be king anymore and that Billy is the new 'keg king' whatever that means. What's a keg?

Steve finally came outside after half an hour. Nancy wasn't with him. "What's wrong? Where's Nancy?" I asked, "Let's just go." He said followed by a bunch of 'Ohhh's' from the boys that were taunting me earlier. He didn't seem normal, so I went up in the front seat with him.

We decided to just drive around in circles for a bit to waste some time. Then he finally told me what happened between him and Nancy. I wasn't sure what he meant with the 'pretend everything's okay' sentence. I offered him some of my candy, which reminded me of when we would trick or treat together instead of worrying about growing up and maturing.

He finally got us home. I made sure to get him to his room. Then I went to bed, then thought about it a lot. Everyone around me just seemed to change or get constantly hurt. There wasn't a clear reason why. Felt like they were hiding something.

I'm just confused.

⎯⎯ ୨ Authors Corner ୧ ⎯⎯
woooo long chapter!!! Hope you guys enjoyed this one :3

*Word count: 1607 * ‧₊˚

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