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୨⎯ Chapter 14⎯୧
"Prepare for War"

୨⎯ Chapter 14⎯୧"Prepare for War"

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"LIAIRSE!" A voice called out, pulling my attention. I turned to see Gimli striding purposefully toward me, his expression urgent.

"What's wrong, Gimli?" I inquired, noticing Aragorn and Legolas following closely behind him into the throne room.

"Aragorn has news for the king. He wants everyone present when he delivers it," Gimli explained between breaths, pausing to catch his breath.

I arched an eyebrow at his apparent exhaustion. "You didn't even run, Gimli, you strode. How are you out of breath?"

"Some of us lack the stamina of elves, Your Highness," Gimli quipped with a tight smile before heading towards the throne room.

I rolled my eyes at his retort, then turned to bid Eowyn farewell before making my way to join the others in the throne room.


As I entered the throne room, my eyes fell upon Theoden, seated upon his throne, his countenance etched with concern. Aragorn stood before him, delivering his report with solemn urgency.

Joining Legolas and Gimli, I watched as Theoden rose from his seat, his focus fixed on Aragorn. The gravity of the news weighed heavily upon the room as Aragorn spoke of the approaching enemy.

"A great host, you say?" Theoden's voice held a note of disbelief as he sought confirmation from Aragorn.

"All Isengard is emptied," Aragorn confirmed, his words resonating with the severity of the situation.

Theoden's incredulity was apparent as he turned to Aragorn once more. "Ten thousand?" he echoed, his tone filled with disbelief.

Aragorn nodded solemnly. "It is an army bred for a single purpose: to destroy the world of men. They will be here by nightfall."

The enormity of the threat hung heavy in the air, and I instinctively reached for Legolas's hand, seeking solace in his presence. His reassuring squeeze offered silent comfort amidst the turmoil.

As Theoden prepared to face the impending danger head-on, I felt the urge to speak out, but Legolas's firm hand on my arm held me back. His expression conveyed the wisdom of restraint, reminding me of the king's authority.

With a resigned sigh, I stepped back, accepting Legolas's silent guidance, knowing that now was not the time for impulsive action.

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