Chapter 9: When a little surprise comes

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After two hours of being in the Café, Enjolras and I decided to go home so we are walking holding hands... of course a lot of rich people looked at us with a disgusted look and some poor teenagers looked at me with admiration ? No it can't be, it must be something else. 

Now, we arrived to our house when I see a little girl who must be 6 years old standing in front of the door with a sad face. I looked at Enjolras then at the girl again.

" Hey girl, what are you doing here ?" I asked softly

She looked at me with her blue eyes, she also have blonde hair and some poor clothes.

" I am here to see Enjolras" She said sweetly

I looked towards Enjolras confused, he looked I see why they are calling him " The Marble Man".

" And why do you want to see him sweetheart ?" I asked

" Because I need his help" She answered

" Alright well how about we enter to this house and you can tell us your problem" I said

She nodded then we all entered to the house and sat on the couch.

" What is your name sweetie ?" I asked her

" My name is Charlotte" She answered

I nodded and looked back at Enjolras... he still looked impassive.

" And why do you need Enjolras' help ?" 

" My mommy died because she was sick, Enjolras is my only family. One day my father came to the street and saw my mommy and me. I heard them talking about Enjolras and how he was my brother so when my mommy died I searched for him and an old lady told me he lived here" She explained then added while looking at Enjolras "I have no place to go" 

Wow for a little girl she sure had a hard life. I looked at Enjolras and saw anger in his eyes like he was about to explode or something like that.

" Sweetie can you go upstairs, there's a room, go into the room and I will join you, I just need to talk to Enjolras"

She nodded and went upstairs when she was out of my sight I turned towards Enjolras.

" Are you okay ?" I asked him

He didn't replied.

" Say something please" 

"I can't believe he did that" He said

" Did what ?" I asked confused

He looked at me

" My father, I can't believe that he cheated on my mother then get his "mistress" a child and left them here on the street starving and poor. You know for the first time in my life I'm glad that I killed him" He said

" Don't say something like this, I know you are angry and I get that but don't be that guy that everyone talks about, the one with a cold heart and zero emotions... the "Marble Man" "

He looked at me then looked at his feet

" Your right... It's just a lot to take in you know, first my father was an unfaithful man who gave a child to this woman who was obviously poor then I killed him and my mother hates me... Christ what family do I have ?" He looked at me with sorrow 

" What are you going to do ? " 

" This little girl, she's like 5 or 6 years old, she has nowhere to go, I am her only family now... I have to let her live here and raise her ?" ... This is a huge responsibility and I totally understand if you want to leave me"

" Whoa I am never going to leave you Enjolras alright, yes raising a child is a huge responsibility but we can do this together" I said

" Eponine, I am planning a revolution, if I died in the barricade... she will have no family then"

" You won't die alright, I forbid you to say that" I looked at him angrily.

" I'm scared of raising a child, I've never done that before, I don't know what to do with a child"

" Well lucky for you, I've had and still am raising a child who by the way is named Gavroche. Don't worry, I believe that  you are going to be the best brother of France" I smiled

" You think so ?" He said insecurely

" Of course, I mean every word of it"

He nodded.

" Well... I am going to buy her a dress with Musichetta and you shower her ? " He asked hesitantly

"Yea, sounds like a plan" I smiled

" Ep' I'm sorry about that" 

" Don't be, she's seems adorable" I said " Now go buy her a dress"

He nodded and left the house. 

I never saw him like this so insecure and nearly vulnerable... guess our family life isn't beautiful for the both of us. 

Now let's go shower the little girl.


A/N: Hey guys hope you liked this chapter =) So what do you think of Charlotte ? she sure seems cute and adorable. On the side there is a picture of Charlotte and the clothes she wears in the chapter. 

Chapter 10 will come... well i don't know maybe next week =) 

Stay Cool xxxx

My Love, My Patria [Enjonine] {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now