Chapter 7: " I Don't Do Romance"

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Two Month Later

It's been two month since I live in Enjolras' House and I feel really close to him as the days past. When I looked at him I don't know why but my heart beats really fast and I have this weird feeling in my stomach. Sometimes Grantaire makes jokes about how Enjolras is a marble man but I don't know why he says that because for all I know he is far from a marble man... well at least with me.


Alice and Musichetta dragged me into a "girl tea time" as they say it so basically we are in the Café Musain ( Let's face it, it's the only Café that doesn't judge me) but we will not be with the boys the point is that we drink tea while talking about "Girl Stuff" as Chetta says it.

"So now that we have our tea, let's talk" Chetta says enthusiastic

" What do you want to talk about ?" I asked her

"Well... what is going on with Enjolras ? " She replied by another question

" What do you mean ? There is nothing going on between us"

" Don't lie to me, I saw how you looked at each other" She stated

Now I am confused...

" I am not lying to you 'Chetta, it's true there is nothing going on between the two of us"

" But do you have feelings for him ? " Alice asked

I sighed.

" What is this " girl tea time" ? Is it just something you made up for asking me these kind of question ? " I asked 'Chetta " Besides you are the one to talk " Mrs.Alice who has feelings for Jehan and him for her but doesn't do a thing about it"

" Calm down tiger, I didn't mean to offence you and I didn't make this "girl tea time" for asking you question about Enjolras or you're feeling towards him but your reaction just says that you actually have feelings for him" 'Chetta replied

" And Alice for God's sake please tell your feelings to Jehan because it's so frustrating to see the two of you just as friends " She added

" How do you know he has feelings for me ? " Alice asked

" Because it's so damn obvious ! " I answered

" Alright no need to yell at me knowing that the boys we are talking to are just in another room and can listen to us at this moment " Alice said

" But I just can't tell my feelings like that to him so if I do that, you, Eponine are going to tell your feelings to Enjolras" She added

I looked at her then sighed

" Alice there is one thing that are different between you and me, first Jehan and Enjolras are different, Jehan is open-minded and Enjolras is the complete opposite so if I risk to tell him my feelings to him, I can end this friendship we have"

" No Eponine you are totally wrong about that, Enjolras is the opposite of open-minded but he is not like that with you and he has feelings for you because when you were, you know at that place, he was not his normal self always thinking and not really talking about the you-know-what-they-are-going-to-do which is really rare" 'Chetta says " I want you two to tell these boys your feelings to them, tonight or else..." She warned us which is not good.

Alice and I sighed then nodded

At Enjolras' House- The Night

Enjolras is reading and I am beside him thinking of a moment to tell him my feelings knowing that it won't be an easy thing to do. Think Eponine Think...

Alright I don't how I am going to do that but it's now or never.

" Enjolras ?"

He looked at me waiting for me to talk to him

" I have something to talk to you about ? " I said to him nervously.

" Alright " He said confused

I sighed

" It's not something that I use to say to someone but basically I.... kinda of have....feelings for you...that are much more...than friendship" I mumbled

His eyes grew wider, he cleared his throat

" Eponine, I don't think that I am the man for you" he simply said

" I just wanted  to know if you have feelings for me like that, that's all"

He sighed

" I actually have feelings for you but Eponine you should know something is that I don't do romance... I know nothing when it comes to caring for someone or just love itself"

" I didn't know about that it's just... you think that you know nothing about caring for someone but all these things you did for me like saving me from the docks or just letting me live here with you, it's because you cared for me at some time"

" Alright maybe but I don't do romance... I am not the man for you God I am planning a revolution, I can die and... I don't want to hurt you" He sighed

" I'll take the risk, Enjolras I am not made out of paper and the fact that you can die in this revolution even if I am just your friend will hurt me" I said sadly

I get up the couch then started to walk away when he grabbed my arm and kissed me. He took me by surprise but I soon kissed him back.

He pulled away then asked me " You are sure to take the risk ?"

" What is life without taking risk" I replied

He smiled and kissed me again.


A/N: Chapter 7 yay! Enjonine is finally together !!!

What do you think will happen to Alice side is she really going to tell her feelings to Jehan ?

I changed the book cover do you like this one ?

Also I will upload my New Story when I will update the chapter 8 because I didn't have more time to write the first chapter.

Hope you guys liked this new chapter and I am going to update the chapter 8 as soon as my test in school will be over.

Stay Cool

Bye Guys xxxx

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