Chapter 10: The visit of Thenardier

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A/N: Hey guys !!! I am finally back and again I am so sorry for the long absence but some things happened especially writer's block and school and life. I have a lot of ideas for the rest of the story so here we go!!
2 months later
{Enjolras P.O.V}

I was walking towards the Café Musain with Charlotte when I suddenly felt someone tapping my shoulder. I turned to see who it was and I saw the last person I wanted to see: The Thénardiers.
I immediately grabbed Charlotte by the shoulders and put her slowly behind me.

"What do you want ?" I asked harshly
"I saw someone that must be interesting for you" He replied
"For God sake just say what you have to say" I gritted my teeth
"He speaks, you pay" His wife ordered

Mr Thénardier coughed and I stared at him waiting for the thing he wanted to say.

"I was walking near the docks when I saw Mr Enjolras senior" Thénardier said

I stayed silent not showing him my confusion.

"I talked to him and guess what ? After someone shot him and buried him, his wife went to his body crying and dig to re-saw one last time his body but he was alive so she took him to the hospital and then he stayed near the docks"
I can't believe this , I grabbed the hand of Charlotte and left them and heard Thénardier yelled to me to give him some money but I kept walking towards my home.

{Eponine P.O.V}

I was in Café Musain talking with Grantaire.

"Tell me, where is your Apollo ? " He grinned.
"I don't know, he should be here" I replied
"He is always there before everyone and now look... Everyone is here but him" He looked everywhere in the room.
"Something's wrong, I can feel it... I'll go check at home" I stand up
" Okay" He drank another sip of his wine bottle

I left Café Musain and after some time, I opened the door of our house and saw Enjolras talking to Charlotte. I stayed in the background and listened to the conversation.

"Why did they talked about Papa ?" Charlotte asked
"Because I need to see him" He replied
"But he said that he was shot... What does that means ? "
"It means that something bad happened to him"
"Oh... Can I see him?" She asked innocently
"No... I have to see him but you stay here" He said seriously
"Why ?" She whined
"Because father and I have some things to take care of" He replied slowly "But you'll stay here with Ep'" He added quickly
"Alright" She pouted
"Come here" He hugged her and kissed her on the cheek

When he released her, she went upstairs probably in her room. I sat next to Enjolras and he sighed loudly.

"What happened ?" I asked slowly
"Have you been eavesdropping?" He asked back smirking.
"Yes, why didn't you come to the Café ?" I asked
" Actually, I was on the road to the Café but someone tapped my shoulder and I saw Thénardier "

And he started to explain to me the story of his father being alive.

"So are you going to the docks ?" I asked
"I have to ask him some unanswered questions" He replied

It was my turn to sigh.

"Alright... When are you going to see him then ?"
"After I finish my conversation with you" He said
" Okay, I wish you luck and do not get distracted " I smirked
"You know better than anyone that I can't be distracted by another woman" He grinned

With those words said he left and I went to Charlotte's room to play with her while a part of me is worried to find what answers he will have.

A/N: Hey I hope you liked the chapter, I know it's a short one but I'll try to do longer ones in the future and besides it's better than nothing right ? =)

Why did his father hide in the docks and why does Enjolras' mother hates him since her husband is alive ? Leave me your thoughts in the comments =D
So many mystery with the Enjolras family...
Well I will see you soon for another chapter =)

Stay Cool xxxx

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