Chapter 6: Sneaking Out

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Summer played the dagger between her fingers. The metal glinted with the moon's silver glow.

It was a nice dagger, but she preferred her own.

Sneaking out of the inn was easier than she'd expected. They had guards posted in front of her door. But her window opened to the back of the inn where tree branches offered a better escape route.

She wasn't escaping, though. The threat to Rose was effective. She decided she would go to the capital with them, the witness would clear her of all suspicions, and then she'd come back to take care of Rose and Berry.

She only wanted to taste the fresh night of the woods and pick a few of her books to keep her company in the upcoming days. Being confined within four walls would drive her insane.

She took her time, strolling through the trees. The slight breeze gently grazed her skin. The sound of critters and the rustle of trees a comforting noise. The full moon's silvery fingers sneaked through the branches to paint the world in lustrous shades.

Breathing in the familiar earthy scent, Summer's heart was at peace. No four walls would ever be her home. Among the trees where free creatures roamed, this was where she would always belong.

The forest's animals were used to her by now. She knew how to read the woods' language and she kept away from the predators territories, so they never bothered her. The smallest of critters enjoyed her company, or rather, they enjoyed the little treats she sometimes brought along. A few smuggled nuts from the market stall always made the squirrels' day.

Today, however, she came empty handed. Her shed had seen no visitors, so the guards never found it. She picked up a few of the books she enjoyed, others she hadn't read yet, and her change of clothes, then went back to the inn. She didn't know yet how far she could push her captors' limits before they bound her hands and feet.

She climbed in the way she came out; the window was still open. But the room wasn't empty.

"Oh, you're back already," she said, jumping inside with the bag of books. She met the bewildered gaze of her captors and two guards and smiled. "You're early."

The guards stuttered, furious, but mostly humiliated. The giant man in charge ordered them out before they could curse her to the devil.

"Where have you been?" he asked, his dark eyes swallowing the light of the lantern.

"Brought some books to keep me company." She dumped the bag on the bed, then looked at the four people. "You know, I don't even know your names. Since we're going to be in each other's delightful company for the foreseeable future, I should at least know what to call you."

"You won't have to call us anything." The rudest man said, closing the window with a scowl after checking where Summer had climbed up. She remembered him being called Al.

"Well, then." She smiled at him, irritated. She was trying to make all their lives a bit easier. Rude asshole. "At least tell me your name so I won't have to think of you as the short jerk."

The woman was the only one who laughed as she sat down on the chair. The short jerk glared.

"The short jerk is Al," the woman said, "but you're free to keep thinking of him as you have been. I'm Ida. This is Felix, a medic, and the big guy is Leon."

"She will not call him Leon," Al said, looking at Ida in disbelief.

Leon, who was apparently a very important personality if she was too lowly a citizen to use his given name, intervened calmly. "Al, why don't you check with the inn owner for our evening meals?"

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