Chapter 13: Arrows

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Summer watched Al's fussing with increased amusement. Ida seemed worried, but on a lot less dramatic level compared to the men.

It wasn't the first time it happened, and this left Summer wondering who exactly was Leon. He'd told her he was a figure in the military. But something about it bugged Summer.


The boy's father sat down, cradling both his sons in his arms. His face had regained some color. She'd snatched the baby earlier, thrusted him at the father and told them to run in the direction of Ida and the others.

She'd stayed to make sure Leon didn't harm the bear, and what she witnessed made her realize how easily Leon could break her bones without breaking a sweat. It was an alarming thought, but she wasn't particularly worried. She could hold her own and Leon, begrudgingly, did not strike her as a man who would do that.

He had spared the bear, after all, when it would have been much easier to kill it with that massive sword of his.

Felix and Al had to contain themselves until they all put enough distance between them and the sleeping black bear. Now they sat, Felix mending Leon's shredded back under the fading light.

"Thank you," the man said, his face still bloodless. "I owe you my son's life."

In his mid thirties, with dark brown hair and sun weathered skin. The man had Felix's slight built. His light hazel eyes still retained a hint of fear for his child's life.

"Don't mention it," Leon said. His upper body was bare, and Summer could see old knife scars. His body was that of a soldier who'd lived through many battles.

So maybe he really was in the military.

"How did you get yourself in that situation?" Ida asked.

The man sighed, the toddler slapped his chubby hand on his father's cheek, having already forgotten his earlier predicament.

"We just moved to a cabin near the river a few weeks ago. I gather medical herbs and sell them for a living. I never go too deep in the forest. Today the kids tagged along. Dale wandered off, so I told his big brother to keep an eye on him."

The man looked ashamed. "I think I lost track of time. The next thing I know, I couldn't find either of them. I spotted Reed running after Dale, by the time I caught up with them, the bear was there..."

He squeezed his sons to him again, eyes haunted. Reed, the older boy, looked at Leon with fascination written all over his young face.

Summer could understand him. A giant bear of a man with a clawed back and a big sword, Leon looked like the personification of every war book's warrior hero.

Leon put on his clothes after Felix finished bandaging his wounds.

"Are you travelling east?" the man asked. He shook his head and stood up, his youngest propped on his hips while the oldest stood near him, still gazing upon Leon with wonder. "Where are my manners? My name is Sage, this is Reed, my eldest. And the little trouble maker is Dale."

After the introductions, in which no one mentioned that Summer was actually a prisoner. Leon said, "we're travelling north."

Sage frowned. "Across the Red river? The Big Stone bridge is the most common point of crossing in these parts."

"We're headed west for a particular reason," Ada said, making no mention of the ambush they evaded. "Do you live nearby? We have to make camp for the night, but one of us can escort you home if you are still shaken."

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