Chapter 15: Heart to Heart

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Summer was so glad she had the presence of mind to go back and erase their tracks. The heavy rain helped. By the time she had gathered some berries and edible plants, it was midafternoon and the rain had stopped falling.

She went back to the river and drank as much water as she could. Maybe the poison wouldn't kill her after all, since she was still alive. But it was making her weak. She needed to flush it all out.

She found wide-leaved plants, cut one and used it to bring water back to Leon. The process was exhausting and slow, but he also needed to drink as much as possible.

She ate. Then she crushed berries and leaves and put them in Leon's mouth, washing them down with water. He swallowed.

He still looked gray. She was debating whether to light up a fire or not. It would be a hassle to find enough dry leaves and branches, but she would manage.

The decision was made for her, however. Because before the night fell, they came.

She had just made Leon a blanket of large leaves. It wouldn't hold the cold at bay, but it was better than his soaking clothes.

The sounds of the forest changed. Summer cocked her ears. Something was out there, something that didn't belong. All her senses were primed for survival, so she caught the sound of steps and hushed voices in the wind while they were still far off. She hurried out, dragged some fallen branches and dead bushes until they concealed the cave's opening. She then went back and erased her tracks, snuck through the slight opening she left for herself into the cave, then rearranged them so they covered the entrance entirely. She was now thankful their shelter was small.

Summer stayed absolutely still. The sky had darkened. With the thick clouds there were no beautiful sunset colors. Only an oppressing gray.

At first, she hoped against hope that it was Al and Ida who'd come looking. She hoped it was help. But these men were not acting like they were searching for someone to help. They were trying to be quiet. They didn't call for anyone, and when she saw them, she was convinced they were friends with the gang they had slaughtered that very morning.

One of them passed right next to their dwelling. Summer held her breath and put a hand over Leon's mouth. With her luck he would wake up and scream with the men right next to them.

"How do we even know they're still alive?" one of the men asked. They were so close.

"We'll check and move on," another replied. "The boss wants to be meticulous."

"The one who dropped in the river probably didn't have the artifact anyway," the first one said. "And if he did have it, it would be somewhere deep in the river by now."

"Stop complaining. The boss sent people to town where the rest of them escaped to, but with the guards and everything it will take us time to get to them."

"Why can't we-"

"Would you be quiet!" the man snapped. "If he's hiding somewhere he'll have heard your ass screaming by now."

"I wasn't screaming!" he hissed.

"Damn right, you were-"

They moved on. Summer laid down and curled next to Leon in relief. It was so cold. She shivered. But if she could just sleep a little bit. Just a tiny bit.

Her mind blanked.

The next time she woke it was because of teeth chattering. Her own. Her body was almost frozen solid. It took her three tries to uncurl her fists and sit up.

Pitch black. It was night. And the cold was unbearable. Summer touched Leon's cheek, but she could feel nothing through her frozen skin. She listened a little, no one was out there. If she didn't light up a fire, they would freeze to death.

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