Chapter 12: Bear

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Avoiding the ambush would add days to their journey.

Instead of following the main road that went straight to the north, Leon led his party northwest to another crossing point over the Red River. Hopefully, they wouldn't find any surprises there.

They had to put as much time between them and the ambush, so they departed as soon as Al explained what he and Summer had found.

Sooner or later the enemy would send a scouting party further away from the bridge to see if and when they were coming. So they avoided the well travelled paths and followed random trajectories.

The end of the day found them a safe distance away, only then did Leon breathe easily. The artifact was heavy in his pocket. All sorts of questions about who paid for the ambush to be set up came to mind. The fact that the northerners had their hands in it only made him more troubled.

He pushed all thoughts of it out of his head. His main focus now was to make it to the capital with his travel companions unharmed.

"So all you do is walk in the shadows?" Al arched his brow at Summer.

They were sitting by the small fire they built, the night thick and dark around them. Ida had asked Summer about how she could go almost invisible whenever she wanted.

"It's difficult to explain." Summer gnawed on her lip, struggling for words, "What senses do you use the most when you're observing your surroundings?"

"Sight and hearing, mainly," Ida replied.

"Exactly, so all you have to do to avoid detection is to fool those two senses. Basically, you have to become one with your surroundings.

"Ordinary people rely mostly on sight, so it's easier to fool them. Trained people, soldiers or hunters for example, instinctively know that they cannot trust only what they see. That's when hearing becomes important."

She held up one finger, "first, you have to be quiet. Not just quiet in the sense you tiptoe around and don't speak. You have to pay attention to the smallest sounds around you, to the tiniest sounds you make. Sounds you don't usually pay attention to. The sound of your breathing, the rustling of your clothes, every little detail. Your heartbeat has to be calm. Even your mind has to be quiet, no stray thoughts. Absolute silence inside and out."

Leon listened carefully, as fascinated as the rest. Even Al, who usually disliked everything Summer said or did, was listening with an enraptured expression. Summer held up a second finger.

"Second is sight. This one is trickier. You have to be acutely aware of your surroundings. That's why disappearing in an environment you know best is always easier. Or in a crowded place."

"So if we put you anywhere else other than a forest or a crowded market place, you will not be as unseeable," Al said.

Summer grinned, a flash of teeth. "Maybe."

Al grumbled. Ida shot him a quelling glare then looked back at Summer. "So how do you fool sight?"

"Stay in shadows, stay out of sight, and stay still. People notice the things that move. They also notice the things they're looking for the most."

"What do you mean?" Felix asked. He had abandoned his book and was now attentively listening to Summer as well.

"Close your eyes," Summer said. Felix did as told.

"Are there any white flowers around?" Summer asked.

"Uh," Felix hesitated, "I don't know."

"Open your eyes." Felix did and looked around.

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