Chapter 16: Kill

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Summer watched over Leon the entire night.

He barely slept. His fever climbed to an unbearable high, his breathing grew labored and his side bled again. At one point, he started hallucinating. Saying things about how it was all his fault. He called out for Ari and Ria several times. Summer guessed they would be his son and late wife.

She had gotten out to bring water several times. He sweated buckets and needed to stay hydrated. By the time dawn broke, she was so exhausted she could barely keep her head up, and Leon had fallen asleep after a long fitful night.

She was so relieved he was still alive. She slept next to him until long after the sun rose. When she woke up, it was because she was hungry.

She left their shelter after making sure no one was around. The river water was a cool blessing against her face and down her throat. The sun was warm and bright today, a welcome change from yesterday's rain. The river glistened like a hundred jewels. It was difficult to believe this calm, peaceful river was the same that almost swallowed her whole.

She drank until she could no longer, then ventured a bit farther than usual to see if the forest had anything other than berries to offer.

If only she knew where exactly she was, or if there was any town nearby, she would go there and ask for help. But she couldn't leave Leon on his own if she didn't know how long she'd be gone. And those men could still be scouring the forest for them. She was in no shape to take them on.

As it turned out, she didn't need to worry about those men finding her.

She heard them as she was going back to the cave. Their voices came from its direction. Her heart dropped. She let go of the bundle of fruits and greens she had gathered and sprinted towards their shelter. The only thing she could think about was how Leon was on his own. People who put a child's life in danger would have no qualms about harming an unarmed, injured man.

She had a dagger. But the men could have swords or some long reaching weapon. She hoped they wouldn't spot the shelter. But if it came down to a fight, her best chance would be to take them unaware. She was still sluggish and slow, but she would damn well keep Leon safe. She didn't nurse him back to life so some cutthroats could kill him.

She saw them when she was within sight of the cave. Her blood chilled.

They had spotted the shelter.

There were only two of them, fortunately. One of them was already trying to move the bushes she'd placed there. Leon's dagger was well balanced, perfect for throwing. Summer had no time to think. She hurled the dagger at the man standing still while the other worked on revealing the shelter.

The blade hit home in the base of his skull. She hid behind a tree and heard the man's dead weight drop to the ground. The remaining man made a strangled noise.

She'd just killed a man.

"Blaze!" he said. "Damn it, Blaze!"

Summer had just thrown her only weapon. She was now unarmed, running on less than half strength, and she'd lost the element of surprise. She peeked around the tree.

"Show yourself!" the man called. After a few seconds, he started moving. He wasn't as quiet as he thought he was. He was still too close to the cave, though. She had to draw him away.

Summer ran out of her cover, slow and loud enough to be seen by him. He rose to the bait and ran after her. His steps echoed in the forest around her. She couldn't outrun him in her current state. So she drew him as far from the cave as she could and scurried up a tree.

She looked down when she sat on a branch far enough off the ground. The man was breathing heavily, right below her, looking up.

He was young. Maybe in his late twenties. With a long dark blond beard and dark, deep set eyes. "Well, well, what do we have here? Come down, little mouse, I promise I won't bite."

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