Chapter 21: Skipping Stones

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Summer had had enough rest. 

Felix had recommended she keep to her room for at least a week. She had several injuries and stitches, but they were mostly healed. Her body was still sore, but if she stayed inside a moment longer, she would go insane.

The view from her window teased her every day. The castle sat atop a massive hill, surrounded by a wooded area that everyone called the Gardens. They were larger than gardens, though, more of a small forest sloping downward between the castle and the first layer of fortified walls.

Between the first and second perimeter were located various buildings and training yards. Summer could see from her window down there. People looked small and insignificant, like ants, against the expanse of the sprawling city surrounding the castle walls.

The city stretched out as far as the eye could see. It was larger than anything she imagined. She wished she could go explore.

Ida had told her she wasn't a prisoner, but that she would appreciate it if Summer didn't simply up and leave until they could figure out the mystery of the stolen artifact and the people behind it.

Summer didn't want to put Ida or Leon in any awkward position with their superiors. Besides, Ida also informed her that Rose was in the city. Her son, Berry, was receiving proper medical attention and he was already getting better. Summer couldn't wait to see her friend. They had to make plans for the future. Maybe they could stay in the capital and find work. She knew Rose would love working for a seamstress. Maybe if they gathered enough money, they could get Rose her own shop. Rose would love that.

Fed up with her luxurious confinement, Summer ventured out of her room after Lily left. She would go explore, but she would limit herself to the Gardens.

Finding the way out was easy enough. She'd remembered the way she and Ida had come through.

The hallways of the castle were filled with people dressed in a wide variety of clothing, servants and maids, soldiers and guards, some elegantly dressed civilians.

She made sure not to draw attention to herself. The dress Lily had brought her helped her blend in better. It was not something she was used to wearing. But it was the best thing she'd ever put on her body.

Made of a flowy material of pale yellow, a color that Lily said contrasted beautifully with her eyes, the dress had long cuffed sleeves and flowed down to her ankles. A pale blue ribbon tied around her waist made it easier to move. Her shoes were brown sandals that laced up her shins.

She felt like a girl in this attire. It wasn't a feeling she was used to, and she didn't hate it. Although she was used to moving in pants and boots, it would only take her a bit more time to adapt to movement in a dress.

Besides, she couldn't exactly protest. It was nice of them to provide her with clothes in the first place. Whoever 'they' were.

Summer enjoyed dressing up for a change. Just in this period of time where she lived in a castle, had a luxurious room and a maid of her own, and ate exquisite food. After the twisted darkness her entire life had been since birth, she deserved a break and she would enjoy it. However long it lasted.

Summer stopped along the way to admire a painting or a tapestry work hung on the walls. But in the end, the forest and open air called out to her.

The morning air filled her lungs. Spring was less forgiving here than in her old town in the South. But the bite of the cool wind was still a welcome reprieve from the four walls of her room.

She strolled among tall trees, steering clear of the stone pathways people took. The colorful flowers and variety of unfamiliar plants piqued her curiosity, but not as much as the little shadow trailing her.

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