Chapter 24: A Lesson

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She was drowning.

Summer struggled to break free, but the heavy weight of the water shackled her body. Everywhere around her was an absolute blackness. Her senses were dead. Her lungs were on fire. If she could just swim to the surface...

But her body wouldn't cooperate.

Then a hand pierced through the darkness and pulled her out. Black turned into a green clearing drenched in blood. The scarlet glittered under bright sunshine.

Pain stabbed her shoulder. When Summer looked, a sword was sticking out of it. She reached for it, her heart thudding in urgency. She had to get out of here. She had to get back quickly or Leon would die.

"Killer." The rough whisper was like sharp needles against her skin. She turned her head to find a man. She remembered his name. Colt. He watched her with a bloodied grin, his eyes laughing at her as he said again, "murderer."

His neck suddenly twisted with a loud crunch. Bones breaking. A muted thud when he dropped on his back. Dead.

Warmth dripped down Summer's hands. Blood. Her own or someone else's? When she looked up, Colt was standing before her. The sword that had been in her shoulder moments earlier held in his hand. His crimson grin widened before he thrust the blade in her stomach.

Summer woke up with a scream lodged in her throat. Sweat slicked her body and stuck her hair to her face. Her breath came out in short, fast gasps. Her stomach roiled.

Shoving the damp covers away, she scrambled to the washing room right in time to empty her stomach. The loud pop still echoed in her ears. She'd never forget that sound. The sound of a breaking neck. The sound of death. The sound of murder.

Cold water on her face and neck made her feel only slightly better. Still, there wasn't enough air in the room.

She swung the window open. Dawn painted the room in shades of gray and blue. Outside, the world awoke. The sound of distant voices, chirping birds, the castle coming to life like a giant stretching awake.

A slight breeze played on her skin. The greenery under her window and the sprawling city beyond the castle walls banished the horrors of her nightmare.

Slowly, her heartbeat returned to normal, and the hazy veil the dream draped over her mind lifted. And she felt more like herself.

As she changed her clothes, Summer eyed the collection of dresses, tunics and pants displayed inside the tiny closet room. Before yesterday, she hadn't wondered who paid for her clothes?

When she voiced the question to Lily the previous night, the young maid's reply was an instant, "his highness, of course."

Summer's pride was taking a hit. She never had much to her name, and whatever she had, she'd either stolen, hunted or made on her own. But she'd always taken care of herself, no one ever provided for her except Boyd, when he was around.

Now she ate mouthwatering foods and dressed in the finest materials. But none of it was deserved. It was charity.

The thought chafed. But she mollified her bruised pride by the fact she wasn't yet free to go and make a living.

Summer strolled out of her room, her muscles sore from the previous day's exercise. Sparring with Leon had been a marvelous experience. She never had the chance to push herself that way since Boyd passed away. Leon was a formidable opponent.

He was also an insufferable asshole. She pushed away thoughts of their conversation the day before and moved in plain sight through the lively hallways. The maids and servants who saw her nodded. The guards watched her like hawks. But no one stopped her as she made her way outside to the gray lake.

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