Chapter 4

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I felt better than the day before when I woke up the next day. I sat up and to my surprise, I wasn't in pain. I decided to test my luck and got out of bed, I was a little off-balanced which I expected since I had been unconscious for a week, I noticed there was a door I hadn't seen before and opened it. Inside was a bathroom with everything needed in a bathroom.

I went inside and froze when I saw myself in the mirror, my once (H/L) (H/C) was now long and iridescent white with a few golden strands hidden in the white, and my eyes that used to be (E/C) were now a crystal blue with swirls of lilac and gold swimming through the blue.

The thing that shocked me most though was that on my back I had beautiful white wings with a few golden feathers scattered around, just like my hair. I couldn't tell how long the wings were because of the cramped space but from what I could tell, they were quite large. I would have to measure them soon.

Suddenly, I smelt smoke and a lot of screaming was happening outside. I decided to check it out and went outside, what I saw was terrible. Everything was on fire, every building I could see was fire. I looked around in shock and confusion until I saw someone in the distance, they wore a green hoodie and a mask with a smiley face on it. They seemed to notice my staring as they stared back after a few seconds.

I looked at the person curiously before someone grabbed my arm, I cringed and looked at the person. It was Wilbur, "C'mon, there is no time to explain. I need to get you to safety, hopefully, no one saw you." He said as he started pulling me along with him, I looked back at the masked person only to realize they were gone.

Soon, Wilbur brought me over to a bunker where there were other people there, including Tommy and Tubbo. There were a few people I didn't know though, there was a boy with fox ears and a tail, wearing the same uniform as everyone else except it was a lighter blue. There was also a man with curly brown hair and he wore sunglasses, hiding his eyes, he also wore the uniform everyone else wore, the same shade as the others.

Wilbur came inside and closed the bunker door behind him, "Is everyone here?" Wilbur asked as he looked around the room to make sure everyone was there. I also looked around the room curiously but saw the masked person nowhere in sight.

"Where's the masked person?" I asked Wilbur as I looked at him, the room went into a fearful silence as Wilbur's face contorted with confusion, worry, and rage all at once.

"What masked person?" He asked with a chilling calmness.

"I saw a person earlier with a mask on, where are they?" I asked again, confused as to why everyone was so worried.

Wilbur sighed and looked me in the eyes. "Was the person wearing a green hoodie?" He asked.

I nodded, "What's wrong?"

Wilbur was about to say something when a deep voice interrupted him. "I believe you're talking about Dream," the voice said. I turned around and looked at the person who spoke.

"Who's Dream?" I asked confused.

Wilbur then grabbed my chin harshly and forced me to look at him, making me flinch. "Dream is our enemy. If you see him, you run and tell one of us. Got it?" He said harshly, no sign of the once kind man I met the other day.

"G-Got it.." I said quietly, too scared to say something stupid. Wilbur sighed and let go of my chin, pointing towards Tommy and Tubbo.

"Sit." He said sternly. I just quietly sat next to the two boys, unsure of what else to do.


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