Chapter 6

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I just realized I never put heights!! Wilbur is 6’5, Dream is 6’7, Tommy is 5’11, Tubbo is 5’10, Technoblade is 7’2, Philza is 5’11, Eret is 6’6, Fundy is 6’, and (Y/N) is 5’5!

POV: (Y/N)

It has been a week since that incident, I’ve been helping everyone rebuild their homes and even made myself a home near Wilbur’s. Though Wilbur insisted I should stay with him.

I like my new home in Hamburg, it was calming and everyone here was nice. Even when I was told they were at war with the Greater SMP I wanted to stay and help with whatever I could.

Right now I am doing some target practice with my bow and arrow. I've been doing good so far with hitting the target in the center. I was so caught up in my practice that I didn’t notice someone walk up behind me.

“You're a good archer.” They said calmly, slightly startling me.

I turned around to see the person in sunglasses, I hadn’t talked to her since the fires that happened a week ago. “Oh! Hello again- uh..” I said awkwardly, no one told me his name the past week.

“Eret.” He said in his deep voice. I smiled and nodded, “Eret! Hello again Eret, my name is (Y/N).” I chirped, holding out my free hand for them to shake. Eret gently grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips, she gently kissed my hand and made me blush. Eret let go of my hand and I rubbed the back of my neck, unsure of what to say. Eret was about to speak again when the loud blonde, also known as Tommy, yelled.

“(Y/NNNNNNNNNNN)!” Tommy yelled as he ran towards the two of us. When Tommy got to me and Eret, he stopped in his tracks and tried to catch his breath. “(Y/N)... Wilbur… needs to… see you… in the… caravan…” Tommy said in between breaths.

I blinked, once, twice. “.. What?” I said, confused. Tommy groaned in annoyance and grabbed my wrist, dragging me with him. I turned to Eret and said, “Bye Eret!” I then willingly followed Tommy, not waiting for Eret to respond.

We soon arrived at the caravan, that I didn’t know of until now, Tommy opened the door to the caravan, shoved me in and quickly shut the door behind me. With a yelp, I fell on the ground from the force of the push. When I looked at the door I saw Tommy had already closed the door. I groaned in annoyance and stood up, dusting myself off. I looked around the caravan and froze when I saw Wilbur and the fox hybrid there, I waved sheepishly and looked away embarrassed.

“(Y/N).” Wilbur said calmly. The hybrid on the other hand, was covering his mouth, trying not to laugh. I looked at Wilbur and awkwardly smiled. “Wilbur.. Hi… Tommy dragged me here saying you needed me?” I said awkwardly.

Wilbur nodded and gestured to the fox hybrid, who had composed himself by now. “(Y/N), this is my son, Fundy. I’m sure you two haven’t been aquaintanced yet so I’m introducing you two now.” Wilbur said calmly.

I smiled and held my hand out to Fundy. “Hi Fundy, it's nice to meet you!” I said enthusiastically. Fundy nodded and shook my hand, “It’s nice to meet you too.” He said calmly.

Wilbur smiled and put his hand on Fundy’s shoulder, “You can go now Fundy.” Fundy nodded and left the caravan. I was about to leave too when Wilbur grabbed my wrist. “Not you (Y/N), I need to talk to you still.” He said in a tone I hadn’t yet from him, it was cold and stern. I nodded and stayed put, “What did you want to talk to me about?” I asked quietly, worried I was in trouble. Wilbur noticed and looked at me softly, “Sorry to sound so stern, you're not in trouble.” I relaxed immediately, knowing I wasn’t in trouble, “What did you need then?” Wilbur smiled and gently grabbed my chin, making me look directly into his eyes.

“I just wanted to get to know you better (Y/N)~” Wilbur spoke seductively, his voice lower and a bit raspier. I started to feel slightly uncomfortable and tried to pull away from his grasp. He noticed this and wrapped one of his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest.

He was 6’5, being significantly taller than me. I was only 5’5. He was also a lot stronger than me. So it was futile to try pushing him away. Wilbur grabbed my chin once more, slowly leaning in. I was starting to panic and did the first thing that came to mind. I kneed him hard in the balls. Wilbur grunted in pain and loosened his grip on me, I pushed him away and ran out of the caravan.

I ran until I saw Tommy, Tubbo, and Eret talking. I ran up to them and caught my breath. I put on a slightly convincing smile and tried to speak cheerfully, “H-hey guys!” They turned to face me and Tommy immediately hugged me tightly. “(Y/N)!! Tell Tubbo he’s the clingy one, not me!” Tommy whined. Tubbo just laughed and Eret just stared at me, “(Y/N), are you okay?” Eret asked suddenly, making Tommy and Tubbo stop their bickering and look at me. I stared at Eret confused, “What do you mean?” I asked quietly. Tubbo spoke up suddenly, concern filling his face, “(Y/N), where did you get those bruises?” he asked as he lifted my chin. I flinched at the contact and pushed Tubbo’s hand away. “I-I’m fine! I didn’t even realize I got bruises…” I lied to the three and smiled slightly.

Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other and shrugged, going back to their bickering. Eret just stared at me, clearly not buying my lie at all. I sat down in the grass and Eret sat to the left of me, I hugged my knees and noticed my wings wrapped around me. I sighed and relaxed in the softness and warmth of my wings.

I felt Eret nudge against my left wing and I lifted it for him to join my small safe space. Eret smiled and sat right next to me, I wrapped my left wing around him and leaned my head on his shoulder, just watching Tommy and Tubbo run around chasing each other. Eret tensed slightly at first before relaxing and resting his head on mine. (This is platonic! They’re just friends)

“Are you going to tell me what really happened?” Eret asked calmly. I sighed and shook my head, “Do I have to?” I asked quietly. Eret shook his head, “Not right now, when your ready.” I nodded and looked at Tommy and Tubbo’s figures chasing each other in the distance with the setting sun.

Tommy glanced at Eret and me and grabbed Tubbo’s hand, dragging Tubbo with him. “Hey! Don’t hang without us!” Tommy yelled jokingly as he sat to the right of me, Tubbo sat next to Tommy, resting his head on Tommy’s shoulder. I quietly laughed and opened up my right wing, wrapping it around Tommy and Tubbo.

Soon, Tubbo was asleep. The next was Tommy after a sum of minutes. After another thirty minutes, I yawned and shut my eyes, letting sleep consume my being.

POV: Dream 

(Also Italics are back to thoughts)


I was leaning against a tree. The sun was long gone into the night, the moon shining brightly. “Where is he?” I thought as I waited. After a few more minutes of waiting, I heard the rustle of leaves approaching and a few feet away stood Eret.

“You're late.” I said coldly. Eret tensed slightly and looked away sheepishly, “Sorry Dream, I got stuck in a puppy pile.” I sighed and glared at him, “You know why you're here. Spill it.” Eret stood up straight and cleared his throat, “Well, L’manburg has been gathering resources for potions and better weapons by using a hidden nether portal.” He said as he grabbed a map from his inventory, “This map will lead you to-” I cut him off, “No no no. That’s not what I want to know right now.” Eret looked at me confused, “Oh? Then what do you want to know?” I chuckled darkly, lifting my mask to show my mouth, “I want to know about your new member.”


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