Chapter 7

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POV: (Y/N)


I woke up in the same position as before, Tommy and Tubbo sleeping peacefully to the right of me and Eret to the-


"Where's Eret?" I thought to myself as I started to look around.

I noticed that the sun had already risen up and that Wilbur was making his way towards us. I frowned and wrapped my wings around the two sleeping boys next to me protectively. Wilbur seemed to notice this and shook his head. He stopped right in front of me and spoke calmly. "(Y/N)."

I tried to ignore him and kept my gaze on Tommy and Tubbo. Wilbur grabbed my chin and harshly turned my gaze toward him, "We need to talk."


POV: Wilbur


I grabbed (Y/N) by her arm and forced her to stand. The force seemed to cause Tommy and Tubbo to wake up, both groggy at first. I paid no mind to them as I started dragging (Y/N) away.

"Wait- Wilbur!" I heard Tommy shout after me, I ignored him and continued dragging (Y/N) with me.

I heard Tommy start running after me as I made my way to the caravan. Once inside the caravan, I made (Y/N) sit down in a chair. "Wilbur-" (Y/N) tried speaking but Tommy came into the caravan and started to yell at me. "WILBUR WHAT IS GOING ON?????" Tommy yelled loudly, I sighed and took out an envelope with Dream's signature smile engraved into the wax seal.


FLASHBACK (Because drama 👍)

POV: Narrator


Wilbur had woken up early today, the sun wasn't even up yet. Wilbur sighed and got ready for the day, he took a shower, brushed his teeth, put on his uniform, and started making rounds around the wall.

Everything seemed normal until Wilbur saw Eret running into the gate, his skin dirtied with dried mud and his uniform slightly torn. Wilbur quickly made his way toward Eret, concerned for his friend. "Eret, what happened?!" Wilbur said, slightly panicked. Eret was breathing heavily, as though he was running from something. "I... I was making rounds last night when... when I encountered Dream..."

Wilbur tensed at the mention of Dream. "Dream?" Wilbur asked quietly. Eret nodded, "He gave me this..." Eret said as he handed Wilbur a letter. Wilbur looked down at the letter in his hand, sighing before looking up at Eret and nodding. "Thank you, Eret. if you don't mind me asking, why are you only coming back now?" Wilbur asked cautiously.

Eret tensed, “He knocked me out.” He said quietly. Wilbur stared at Eret for a moment before nodding. “Go get some rest, you need it.” Wilbur said calmly. Eret nodded and made his way to his home. Wilbur turned in the direction of the caravan and made his way to it.

Once Wilbur was inside the caravan, he opened the letter.


 POV: Wilbur


“It said that Dream knew of (Y/N) and he wants her, if we give her to him then we will get partial freedom. If we don’t give her to Dream at dusk, he will destroy our nether portal and blow up our land.” I said sternly, Tommy and (Y/N) looked at me shocked. “What?” (Y/N) said shakily. “Wilbur you can't be considering this-” Tommy started speaking before I cut him off. “For now, it is a possibility. I’m sorry (Y/N).”

(Y/N) paused for a moment, seemingly thinking. “Wait, why am I scared? All I know about Dream is that he is the enemy. I only ever saw him from a distance, and you guys make him seem like the bad guy.” She said, slightly confused. I froze at that, she had a point. “She hasn’t been here for long, why does Dream want her?” I thought to myself. I looked over at Tommy who was already looking at me.

I cleared my throat and looked over at (Y/N), “(Y/N) why don’t you go hang out with Fundy or Eret?” (Y/N) nodded and left the caravan. I looked over at Tommy, “Tommy, I need you to keep an eye on (Y/N).” I said sternly. Nothing could happen to (Y/N). I can't let anything happen to her. Tommy nodded and was about to speak when someone screamed outside.


 POV: (Y/N)


I walked out of the caravan and saw Eret in the distance, I smiled and started making my way to him. When I got close enough I saw he was his right arm was bleeding. I gently grabbed Eret’s arm and looked up at him, “What happened?” I said softly.  Eret sighed and shook his head, “It’s nothing, I just fell on my arm, and a sharp rock stabbed into my arm.” 

I gently touched his wound, suddenly it started glowing a golden hue. Swirls of lilac and crystal blue started coming from my hands and toward Eret’s wound, the swirls started sewing his damaged skin together, and after a few minutes, the wound on Eret’s arm was completely gone. When it was done I stepped away from Eret in shock, Eret just stared at me bewildered.

“What the hell?!” Eret screamed, I flinched at the loud noise. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Wilbur and Tommy rush out of the caravan, rushing towards us. I tried to speak but nothing came out. Wilbur was the first to reach us with a stern look, “What happened?” He said sternly. I went to speak but Eret spoke first, “(Y/N) did something insane!” I felt a lump in my throat, I wanted to cry, all their voice faded away in the distance. “What did I just do? How did I do it?” I looked down at my hands, starting to tremble. “I’m a freak..” 

“../N)? (Y/N)!” Wilbur grabbed my shoulder and I flinched, he looked at me concerned. “(Y/N), are you okay?” Wilbur asked softly. I took a shaky breath and stepped away from him, my wings puffed up and I wrapped them around me defensively. I was panicking, I needed to leave. Now. Wilbur tried to approach me but I spread my wings and flew into the sky, I never tried to fly but it felt easy at this moment.

I flew far away from L’manburg, I didn’t know where I was going, all I knew at that moment was that I was away from L’manburg. When I looked around I realized that I was already really far away from L’manburg, I landed in a snowy taiga. It was cold but it was a welcoming feeling that prickled my skin. I was still slightly panicked but I felt calmer now, I took a deep breath of the cold air and sat down in the snow. It felt nice, I felt safe, It had been a while since I felt safe. I closed my eyes and just stayed sitting in the snow.

My wings were limp beside me, and I felt at complete peace for the few minutes I had my eyes closed. I yawned quietly and wrapped my wings around me, they were warm. I lay down in the snow and was in a trance-like state between consciousness and sleep, I was able to hear everything but I wasn’t able to move or open my eyes. After I didn’t know how long, I heard heavy footsteps hitting the snowy ground, they were muffled slightly but they were approaching me. 

I didn’t want to leave my small trance of peace so I stayed put, the footsteps stopped next to me and everything was silent once again for a few moments. The person huffed and picked me up gently, they were so warm. I leaned into the warmth and opened my eyes slightly, everything was blurry but I was able to make out something red and something pink before sleep enveloped me fully. I was now in the mercy of a complete stranger.

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