Chapter 10

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Italics are back to being dreams for now.

POV: (Y/N)


It was dark, again.

Why is it dark?

I look around the darkness for a moment and start walking. It feels like a never-ending, cold, dark hallway, and I feel scared. I continue walking, unsure where I'm going but venture on anyhow. After a few minutes, I could see a light in the distance. I was shocked at first but started running toward the light. I could feel the light enveloped me as I ran into the light.

I sat up gasping for air, I looked around slightly panicked I quickly realized that I was back at the green portal. I was in the middle of the quartz room. I stood up, stumbling slightly but stayed standing. I looked around again, "This can't be real..." I mumbled to myself I started walking back to the village I grew up in. I passed a small creek and looked into the water, I looked like I used to. My (H/C) was back, and so was my (E/C), and I no longer have the wings.

I couldn't believe it.

I was home...

Once I made it back, it looked just how I remembered it. People in the square were buying and selling things, and I could see children running in the streets when they should've been in school. I saw Lilith helping a lady carry her groceries, she looked so happy. I quietly laughed, ecstatic to be back here and see my sister. At that moment I forgot what Lilith did, she was my sister and I could always forgive her no matter what.

Lilith seemed to hear my laugh and looked around, spotting me. She let out a yelp of shock and accidentally dropped the lady's bags, tears filling her eyes. People looked at her funnily but she didn't seem to notice them. She ran toward me and hugged me tightly, sobbing. I smiled and hugged her back, a few of my tears spilling. After a few minutes, she pulled away from the hug and grabbed my face, "Is it you?" Lilith asked shakily, her face was wet from tears and she looked like she didn't believe what was happening.

I noticed people staring at the two of us, many shocked and others whispering about what was happening. "It's me, Lilith..." I said softly to her. Tears spilled once again as she hugged me once again.

Time Skip because I don't know what else to put.

We were sitting on the couch in our childhood home, talking about our time apart when she suddenly started to tear up. "Lilith, what's wrong?" I asked her, very concerned. She just hugged me for what felt like the hundredth time, "I'm so sorry I stabbed you..." She said earnestly, I tensed slightly but after a moment I hugged her back. "I forgive you, Lilith... I always will." I said softly.

After a bit, there was a knock at the door. I got off the couch and opened the door, at the door were my two friends, Amber (5'8) and Chris (6'0). Amber had long, wavy red hair that went down to the center of her back and a golden glint in her hazel eyes, freckles decorating her face beautifully. Chris had short, curly, dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes that looked almost black.

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