Chapter 5

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I want to make a scene where Dream wakes up from his dream so Italics for this chapter will be when he is asleep.

I hope it makes sense!

POV: Dream



There's blood on my axe...

Why is there blood on my axe?

"Please.." I heard someone whimper out, their voice was one of an angel's.

I turned around to see I was in a stone room, there were no light sources, making the room dark. But in the corner, there was a silhouette, curled up in a ball.

I walked towards the person only to realize it was a girl. Dirt and blood were matted in her hair, making whatever hair color she had before unrecognizable, and her eyes were dull and lifeless. Whoever she was before, she would never be that person again.

She was covered in scars, some old, some new. I created them.

"Dream.." She wept out. Whoever she was, she was scared of me.

"Dream." Her voice started to change, it sounded familiar...


I shot awake, looking around my room. George, my brown-haired British friend who liked to wear goggles, was standing next to my bed with an annoyed expression.

"You need to wake up, the plan is today you idiot," George said with a scowl.

"Sorry, I just had a weird dream," I said coldly.

The Monsters Deity (Dream x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now