Chapter 11

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Italics are back to being thoughts now.

POV: (Y/N)

As I gradually regained consciousness, I struggled to open my eyes due to the blurriness that surrounded me. The world was hazy and indistinct, and I couldn't make out any details in my surroundings. I closed my eyes again, trying to stay in that limbo between being awake and asleep, hoping it would help me adjust to the situation. Suddenly, I heard muffled voices from another room, but my mind was too foggy to comprehend who they might be.

POV: ???

I was pacing back and forth waiting for Phil to come, I don’t know what that girl is but she had wings. If anyone knew anything about wings it would be Philza.

“Blood… She’s powerful… Kill the girl… No!... She could be an ally… What is she?... Blood for the blood god… Anarchy… We could always bring her back to the woods… NO… No!... But She’s pretty!...”

I sighed and sat in a chair, the voices were of no help right now. I heard a knock at my door and got up, upon opening the door I saw Phil. I let him in and closed the door behind him, “Phil, I’m so glad you came.” Phil laughed and shook his head, “It’s no problem mate, now what’s so urgent you had to send me five crows?” I felt my face heat up from embarrassment and looked away from him, “Phil… This is important.” I said seriously. Phil nodded but seemed not to believe me, “Okay, what is it then, Techno?” he asked calmly. I sighed and glanced at the room the girl was in.

“I think it's better if I showed you,” I said seriously. Phil nodded and followed me to the room.

POV: (Y/N)

I heard the muffled voices getting closer and closer to my location. Feeling uneasy, I instinctively curled up, wrapping my wings tightly around me. As I did so, I noticed the warmth and peace that enveloped me. Slowly, my mind cleared, and I carefully opened my eyes. The surroundings were unfamiliar, and I found myself in what appeared to be a cozy cabin. The soft glow of the fire in the hearth and the rustic decor gave the space a comforting feel, yet I couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty.

I sat up and looked at the fire, watching the flames dance around the fireplace. I get closer to the fireplace and sit in front of the fire, wrapping my wings around my body more, to shield me from the world. I watch the fire dance as though it's telling a story that wants to be heard. I forgot where I was at that moment, reaching my hand toward the fire. I almost touched the warm flames when someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the fire.

POV: Technoblade

Once I opened the door to the room I saw the winged girl sitting next to the fire, her wings wrapped around her like a blanket. I noticed her arm was reached out like she wanted to touch the fire, I quickly rushed over to her and grabbed her wrist. She seemed to flinch and I picked her up so it would be harder for her to struggle against my grasp. I glanced over to Phil to see if he had seen her, he was just in the doorway staring at the girl in shock.

POV: (Y/N)

The person lifted me by my arm as I struggled to get out of their grasp, my wings ruffled and flailed in panic. I looked around to try to find a way out of the situation. The only thing I saw was a shocked person in the doorway, he had blonde hair and blue eyes that reminded me of Tommy. But this man was older than Tommy and had wings like me, but his wings were gray like clouds in the sky getting ready to rain. He wore a green and white bucket hat and a green and gray Montsuki. The man had a strange aura around him, it felt like he was a fatherly figure to respect and listen to but also a lesser power than me. I was shocked to see this man and froze, uncertain what to do.

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