Chapter 12 pt. 2

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POV: (Y/N)


"Why did your voices say 'Blood for the blood god'? Are you the blood god?" I asked quietly. I noticed how both men paused, and everything was silent for a second before Technoblade grabbed me again and immediately I could hear all the voices again.

"Kill kill kill... She can hear us?... Omg omg hi!... Blood for the blood god!... Did she hear us call her pretty?... Blood... HOW CAN SHE HEAR US... I don't know... Kill her!... She is powerful, I knew it!... But what is she?... Wings... Bird?... No, dumbass... We Should kill her... NO!..."

I chuckled as I heard the voices, "They seem conflicted." Technoblade didn't seem too impressed when I said that and spoke harshly. "I asked you a question."

"You did?"


"Oh, I didn't hear you."

Technoblade huffed and asked again, "How do you know about the voices?" I shrugged and smiled, "I can hear them every time you touch me." Technoblade paused and took his hands off my shoulders, once he did the voices went away. I stepped back from him and looked at Phil, Phil seemed conflicted and looked like he'd just seen a ghost.

I chuckled a bit and tried to make my way away from the house but Technoblade gripped my arm firmly, not letting me leave.

I stared at him, confused. "What are you-" Technoblade interrupted me before I could even finish my sentence, "Hold on, I want to make a deal with you." I huffed quietly but nodded to hear it out.


POV: Narrator


"How about I train you, all I ask for in return is your loyalty." Technoblade said in his monotone voice. His voices were going wild at the thought of training her.

Philza looked shocked but after a few moments relaxed, he knew that Techno's choices for the majority were right.

(Y/N) paused and thought for a moment, was this a good idea? She had just met these people.. And what about L'manburg? Don't they need her? Was she selfish for- Stop. Let's not go there for now. (Y/N) looked at Technoblade in the eyes, doubt and determination swirling around her mind a thousand miles a minute. "I like those odds.. But you don't get much out of this."Technoblade internally smirked, keeping his cold stoic front up, "I don't need much." (Y/N) sighed and nodded, "Alright then.. We have a deal."



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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