Chapter 9

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POV: Dream


I watched as Eret left, "I can't believe this! How could they let her get away?" I huffed in annoyance and began walking back to the castle, Punz hot on my tail. "Punz," I said coldly, looking forward as I spoke. Punz looked at me, "Yes Dream?" He said calmly. "I need you to tell me when (Y/N) returns to L'manburg," I said sternly, handing him a few blocks of diamonds. Punz nodded and we made our way to the castle.

Once we returned to the castle I noticed George and Sapnap talking in the lounge room. Punz went into the kitchen to grab a snack while I walked into the room and both George and Sapnap went quiet, looking at me as they tried not to laugh. "What?" I asked harshly, not in the mood to deal with their shenanigans. The two of them looked at each other for a second before 0laughing. Punz came into the room with an apple in his hand, "Hey Dream-" Punz stopped talking when he heard Sapnap and George laughing. "What's happening?" Punz asked, slightly confused.

George composed himself enough to speak through his laughs. "Dream! you- Hah!- Y-You're... You're- Pfft- You're obsessed with that (Y/N) girl!" George burst out laughing again. I looked at the two confused before shrugging it off and looking at Punz, "I believe I gave you a mission." Punz nodded and made his way out of the room. I looked back at Sapnap and George, shifting my mask to show one of my eyes to glare at them.

The two stopped laughing and just looked at me, shifting uncomfortably under my gaze. "Now, do the two of you want to explain what you just said, George?" I asked sternly.


POV: Tommy


I knocked on the door of Wilbur's house, I needed to talk to him urgently. Something wasn't right and I needed to figure it out. "Come in." I heard Wilbur say from inside. I opened the door and looked around, "Wilbur?" I called out to him. As I looked around I noticed a lot of sketches and music sheets dedicated to (Y/N). The more I looked around, the more uncomfortable I felt. I felt someone tap my shoulder and shriek, quickly turning around only to see Wilbur.

"Wilbur! Oh, come on man! You can't sneak up on me like that, it's not pogchamp." I said as I calmed down. Wilbur stayed quiet momentarily before speaking, "You're the one that came into my house." I shook my head, "Never mind that that's minor details. I need to talk to you." Wilbur sighed and shook his head, "What is it?" I gestured to all of the sketches and music sheets of (Y/N), "Well first of all, what is all of this?" I asked.

Wilbur chuckled and put his arm over my shoulders, leading me out of the room. "Don't worry about that, it's not important right now." He spoke in a slightly manic voice. I nodded but didn't believe him, he led me to his living room and sat on the couch. I sat down next to him and just stared, wanting an explanation. After a solid minute, Wilbur sighed and looked at me slightly annoyed. "What?" He asked sternly. "Do you like (Y/N)?" I asked quietly, "I mean, it makes sense. The way you look at her, the sketches, music sheets makes me believe you like her." I explained.

Wilbur looked at me shocked for a moment before clearing his throat and shaking his head. "Tommy I think you need to go," Wilbur said coldly. I shook my head, "But Wil-" I tried to speak but Wilbur interrupted me. "I said get out." He said harshly. I tensed slightly and begrudgingly obliged, I stood up and made my way to the door. "Tommy." Wilbur suddenly spoke. I looked over at him, confused, "Yeah Wil?" "Once (Y/N) returns, you tell me immediately."


Hi! Sorry for not posting last week, I got grounded. I am not going into detail, just know I was grounded.

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