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hey everyone! sorry for not posting new chapters i had gallbladder surgery and then accidently slammed my middle finger in my door causing me to get stitches and im currently typing with one hand. i just found out a few minutes ago that the keyboard i use to type with is now broken and i have a rash. so i have had 4 bad events happened to me back to back. i am going to be getting a new keyboard so i can type easier and more efficiently, and i wont accidently type the same letter twice. im also back at work but they are letting me go easy on me. im going to hopefully buy a new keyboard tonight or tomorrow, thank u for hanging in their and being patient with me. im hopefully going to push out a new chapter this week or next week im also going to work on my mental health since i was stuck in the house for 2 months recovering. if u want anything specific to happen in the future with this book plz comment and give me ideas. thank you again.  

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